Reminds me of the Persian Empire, though rather than take they just allowed. They were really diverse and rather tolerant of other religions and cultures, asking only that you payed tithes and fought for the empire. However they were pretty stagnant, because they had a system they didn't think...
That is... possible, and it fits if he's planning to turn the Legion into a more metropolitan Rome with it's culture, rather than base influences.
But you can argue that the practice of giving certain people who worked the Empire citizenships made them turn more into Romans, as they valued...
Hmm, how do you feel about the fact that your post was ridiculously American-centric? The Republican party in the US are far and away from being the only Republicans in the world and our history.
It was a joke, an oligarchy that included a strange military dictatorship in times of crisis. There was almost no democracy, and suffered from being controlled by generals multiple times.
1. He wanted it himself and had the influence to get it without complaint from Caesar.
2. For all Caesar's rhetoric, he wanted to lessen the chances of his best commander getting killed.
I guess Caesar is of the mind that the skills make the Veteran, not the gear. The Legion Veterans might also be pretty common considering in how many conflicts the Legion has been.
Easy to scavenge and make. You don't need Blacksmiths or dedicated forges, also I think that armour fits better for the more tribal fighting style the Legion has. Hit and Run, infiltration, wave attacks and the like. Caesar compromised and compromised in every regard of the legion to ensure it...
Probably because he used Roman culture as a basis, but not a copy. He wanted to use all the militaristic, nationalist and manliest shit in the Roman Empire, rather than carry everything over.
You mean Jihad? The Christians had their equivalent crusades.
What part of Spain's past? That's pretty vague.
By violence? Surely Christian Europeans... oh yeah, also by violence.
CT Phipps, please don't become a brainwashed, hate filled Black Panther who believes all of white society was made with the sole purpose of killing and oppressing Black people. Killing them was never a national pastime. Only a minority of Americans would want to kill a black guy for the sake of...
Warhammer 40k would than technically promote fascism, militarism, hate crimes, xenophobia, totalitarianism, war glorification, violence and much, much more. I didn't even mention Slaanesh.