Hoped you like it, it's a wonderful country. I love living here.
Fucking savage beasties... full of hatred and rage... also kangaroos are no better. We should eat them all. Now Koalas, Koalas are nice. Until they start shrieking and chase you around.
Nothing like flying and twisting over AUSTRALIAN CITY to land, allowing me to get a really good view of the land, suburbia and parks from the window view. And I mean REALLY good.
But the thing is, they're not far-left. Leftism was never about civil/minority rights, but the worker's rights and overthrow or peaceful destruction of exploitative capitalism.
Or you know, the choice of actually refusing and getting fucked up in a nuclear apocalypse. At least have the choice Bethesda, pass it off as some kind of choice and consequence bullshit (in all seriousness, it'd be great).
Yeah Skyrim felt kind of quick in comparison... where as Oblivion felt like a slog. Daggerfall and Arena are just... they're... well, to be fair, large parts of the game are dull anyway.