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  1. Dr Fallout

    I mean it does have some basis, like the union between the kingdom of Aragon and the House of...

    I mean it does have some basis, like the union between the kingdom of Aragon and the House of Barcelona, which ruled as an independent kingdom before Aragon joined Spain, it also has it's own culture and language but yeah, little too extreme.
  2. Dr Fallout

    Andorra was fun but a fuckup as well. Drove a car without any snow tires/chains/etc (uhhhh) then...

    Andorra was fun but a fuckup as well. Drove a car without any snow tires/chains/etc (uhhhh) then got conned with shitty chains that scratched the rental (uhhhh), and got insanely stressed driving around the steep, winding and icy roads of Andorra. But it worked out, and I was able to see some...
  3. Dr Fallout

    It was one of the coldest? But... it's... winter... I mean... yeah, it's cold, but... I guess...

    It was one of the coldest? But... it's... winter... I mean... yeah, it's cold, but... I guess, because it's Spain they have different ideas of what's cold and not.
  4. Dr Fallout

    I get it, they're not the same. Though the Catalonians are fucking serious about their...

    I get it, they're not the same. Though the Catalonians are fucking serious about their independence, or at least self rule. Catalonian police, transport, government, etc...
  5. Dr Fallout

    Watch_Dogs 2

    Yeah, doesn't even reach their level of shite.
  6. Dr Fallout

    Hey, hey, hey! I pretty much stayed ONLY in Catalonia for Spain, visiting Barcelona and such.

    Hey, hey, hey! I pretty much stayed ONLY in Catalonia for Spain, visiting Barcelona and such.
  7. Dr Fallout

    Watch_Dogs 2

    Woah, that's so low... I was expecting a 10/10.
  8. Dr Fallout

    Temple of Trials, a badly designed area, or a stroke of genius?

    Playing a slow, weak but really smart and charismatic character? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  9. Dr Fallout

    Shit... now I feel bad... sorry @zegh87578... Spain, Portugal and Andorra (FUCKING ANDORRA).

    Shit... now I feel bad... sorry @zegh87578... Spain, Portugal and Andorra (FUCKING ANDORRA).
  10. Dr Fallout

    Examples of Bad Writing in Fallout 4 [Spoilers]

    Depth. Beauty. Fun.
  11. Dr Fallout

    Noob battle? Umm what the fuck? Yes, yes I did.

    Noob battle? Umm what the fuck? Yes, yes I did.
  12. Dr Fallout

    I have returned from my trip around the Iberian peninsula! And yes, you care about it. You KNOW...

    I have returned from my trip around the Iberian peninsula! And yes, you care about it. You KNOW you've missed me.
  13. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Close, asking for a couple of darries is the closest.
  14. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    It's not a contradiction if you apply any thought or attempt at understanding my argument, rather then immediately dismissing it. I explained this so many times. The Empire expands to gain new materials, slaves and strategic locations, you know like any other empire. Why is this so difficult to...
  15. Dr Fallout

    I liked the Brotherhood of Steel's portrayal

    It's good, but the Brotherhood are basically Enclave-lite which is boring and overdone.
  16. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    They're a fascist empire that uses the resources they gain from their planets to build starships, vehicles, guns and supplies so that they can continue their imperialism. Their entire society is built upon extreme militarism, and they continue expanding to stay relevant and escape stagnancy that...
  17. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    That's the thing, they don't 'control' the planet in the sense that they hold jurisdiction and direct influence over every area of the planet. That's too unrealistic and expensive. As long as they get their resources, they're not attacked and no help is given to the rebels the Empire are quite...
  18. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Umm... is it supposed to cycle in any other way?
  19. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    When you have a single ship with the firepower to level cities and hence destroy any meaningful location on a planet, ground soldiers are only necessary to ensure that rebel activity is suppressed AND that any ground Imperial operations are protected. Walpknut, you mention how these aren't...
  20. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Probably more often. I love going to botanic gardens and zoos.