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  1. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Also, if one reads the Imperial Handbook you can learn more about them. For example, Tarkin wrote a section in it detailing the plans and ideals of the Empire, and yes they're fascists all right. War is the natural state of things, and the Empire must expand to stay relevant and escape...
  2. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    A nice theory (non-canon of course) is that the Emperor created the Empire and is rapidly expanding to defend the galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong, who he saw in a vision. For purely selfish reasons of course. Also, the Empire aren't that bad, if you don't cross them. They seem very lax on their...
  3. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    While they weren't the most interesting in the group, I found them way more interesting than Luke, because they were more than a plucky farmboy who becomes a space hero. A lot more.
  4. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Yeah okay, the first one is true. The Death Star is in it, but it's never destroyed nor damaged. Rather then it being a 'threat' and soon destroyed, it actually fulfills it's purpose and shows close up to viewer how destructive it is. Basically, it makes the Death Star something to take...
  5. Dr Fallout

    Yeah I really recommend it. It's more like Empire Strikes Back while remaining unique.

    Yeah I really recommend it. It's more like Empire Strikes Back while remaining unique.
  6. Dr Fallout

    I loved it, I consider it my favourite Star Wars movie.

    I loved it, I consider it my favourite Star Wars movie.
  7. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    I don't think anyone here is saying it's only good because it's dark. That's a pretty stupid generalization. Also, how is a militant terrorist crippled black guy Jar Jar Binks... what are the criteria for doing a Jar Jar Binks impression? Being black and having a funny accent? Also, I'll take a...
  8. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Huh, never thought of that. Now everytime I see them that song will play in my head.
  9. Dr Fallout

    Yeah, I was happy, sad and disappointed all in one. Happy because it fit so well and sold the...

    Yeah, I was happy, sad and disappointed all in one. Happy because it fit so well and sold the premise of the suicide mission in the movie, sad because... you know, it's sad and disappointed because we won't see them act in another Star Wars movie, which is a shame.
  10. Dr Fallout

    I felt sorry for the rebels, especially the guy pounding at the door. Imagine the terror, I'd...

    I felt sorry for the rebels, especially the guy pounding at the door. Imagine the terror, I'd piss my pants for sure.
  11. Dr Fallout

    Yeah true.

    Yeah true.
  12. Dr Fallout

    I was talking about Star Wars.

    I was talking about Star Wars.
  13. Dr Fallout

    So, should the SS have been a Synth or not?

    No, because him not being a synth allows me to wish away the rest of Fallout 4.
  14. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    If not a fitting one. But yeah, could have been more interesting like... the Duck Billed Fake? Would that work in Spanish or would that be too long?
  15. Dr Fallout

    The Imperials are fascists. No question about it. And I mean it ideologically, not in terms of...

    The Imperials are fascists. No question about it. And I mean it ideologically, not in terms of aesthetics.
  16. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Not exactly surprising since French, Italian and Spanish got their roots from Latin.
  17. Dr Fallout

    The Empire are doomed to failure due to overexpansion but you shut your brain off and make the...

    The Empire are doomed to failure due to overexpansion but you shut your brain off and make the biggest generalizations. I mean where did you get them wanting ALL the planet's resources?
  18. Dr Fallout

    There are many aims of making an empire, but I assure you, making everyone's lives not normal is...

    There are many aims of making an empire, but I assure you, making everyone's lives not normal is not one of them. Also why do the want to get the resources from the WHOLE planet? They just set out quotas and ensure they get them fulfilled. They use the resources to continue building up their war...
  19. Dr Fallout

    So what? The Empire isn't the typical totalitarian state that wants to control every last aspect...

    So what? The Empire isn't the typical totalitarian state that wants to control every last aspect of people's lives. They're an Imperialist war machine that couldn't care less if 99% is not under their direct control as long as they get their resources, their conscripts and no rebellion.
  20. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    You've found out our secret!