It's such a massive undertaking I don't understand why currently successful companies risk it. Have many tried and been successful over a long period of time besides Blizzard and Origin with Ultima Online?
The original had a story and twist that were actually pretty decent, all things considered. if the multiplayer is more like the original MW and less the spamfest that is MW3 that could be fun too. And yea, zombies is always fun.
Apparently the Colts have officially informed Luck he will be the number one pick.
This is awesome, I've asked Kickstarter if they'd be willing to let me know the the number of people that kicked in to both Shadowrun and Wasteland 2 when both expire, it would be interesting to see the crossover.
Greg Williams audio before the 49ers game was released, specifically instructing players to injure Michael Crabtree's MCL, among many others. It's not all damning, but because there was an actual bounty system this can't be good...
I assumed it had been running for a week or so based on the amount of days remaining, guess not. Press is picking up and IGN just tweeted about it. They are also part of the kick it forward campaign.
Nice, I'm surprised I didn't see this before. It's a good video and I'm kicking in.
Any insight on why this has not received the press that Wasteland 2 has?
Played Journey on PS3 for a few hours. It's great and well deserving of the praise, I can't think of a single flaw:
This is a decent review of it:
medieval 2 is fun, I think I assassinated 3 popes in a row.
and yesterday I taught the...
Mordin was probably the best Bioware character ever made, I'd say Garrus and Wrex in ME1 are way up there too. Tali was good throughout the series, especially in 1 though. Vega's personality seemed trite, did anyone else NEVER use him unless forced?
THis made me redownload the ur-quan masters. I've always enjoyed it, but the battles were too much of a chore to get fully engaged, I'd skip combat if I could.
I'm at the end (headed to Cerberus HQ) Should I get my effective military strength to 5000 before I finish? Sorry if it's been mentioned before but trying to avoid spoilers. I'm in the 4000s now and if it's not a major deal should I just keep going and watch the end videos later?
I'm probably going to kick in to Banner Saga before the end of it, I also kicked in to this project, which asked for $10k and is over 100 now.
"FTL, Faster than Light, is a game coming to Windows, Mac & Linux made by Justin...