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  1. monsharen

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    The one thing that got me hoping was that it namedropped The boys. Heading down that road could be a good thing.
  2. monsharen

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    It was the image format :-? picked a different one
  3. monsharen

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    So, why isn't the image showing on the front page. I don't even
  4. monsharen

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    Magic the Gathering is getting a Fallout expansion on March 8, 2024. Announcement: Preorder links:
  5. monsharen

    Fallout Sonora DLC "Dayglow" RELEASED!

    What's the format of the texts? Could ChatGPT be used to translate it? Edit: I am asking the question in the wrong thread! Will check what's been going on in the other one
  6. monsharen

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    What's that structure on the mountain side?
  7. monsharen

    Swedish chronicle about Fallout 1 and its legacy

    Swedish journalist Jimmy Håkansson has written a piece on Fallout 1 and the impact it has had. It's mostly nostalgia but shines a light on some differences between the first game and its sequels. Here's a Google translated quote for the non-Swedish speaking audience...
  8. monsharen

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    I think that's fair and well constructed feedback. It started out a bit negative earlier but this is a solid post. If I was the dev I'd take it onboard and consider it for future revisions of this title and other games.
  9. monsharen

    Fallout 1 Designer Jesse Heinig Shares New Details of The Cut Raider Factions The Vipers & Jackals.

    Awesome reporting @TheKingofVault14! Merged version which is easier to read for the pre-Twitter boomer generation and myself :look:
  10. monsharen

    Rimworld modders making post-apocalyptic game

    I understand it's early days and that things can change still but it looks like they have made good use of colors as the battlefield doesn't feel cluttered and you can easily read out what matters in the scene. Markers such as the curve is dead simple to understand. Some subtle yet important...
  11. monsharen

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Looks like life in the vault is about to change.
  12. monsharen

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    A welcoming committee for someone returning from the wasteland? Looks like there's a dead person by the door What's up with the collar on middle person? Breathing device?
  13. monsharen

    OUTTA GAS Steam key giveaway!

    If the gameplay is good and sells enough copies it will fund a sequel with better graphics. Never forget
  14. monsharen

    For The Order specifically: If it’s been a while without any activity in the thread make a new...

    For The Order specifically: If it’s been a while without any activity in the thread make a new post but make it clear that you are intentionally double posting to bring attention to the new content
  15. monsharen

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    One page? Sounds about right effort-wise.
  16. monsharen

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    He has a solid CV but he'll have to work miracles to produce something wonderful with Bethesda material. Not entirely convinced about Amazon either. Strong doubts, but I WANT IT With Graham onboard I suppose it's a comedy.
  17. monsharen

    Looking for a place to put degenerates on a cross? Nipton is still for sale!

    Can NMAers come together and buy it through crowdfunding? I don't know why, but could it be done? How many active users do we have atm?
  18. monsharen

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Tonight I'm whoever you need me to be. <3 Edit: wait, what is this? General discussion? Ewwww. You lured me out of my safe place.