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  1. B

    New Vegas subsite and tidbits

    What is the canon ending for NCR in FO2? Is there even such a thing yet?
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    New Vegas debut trailer

    Fuck yeah. 3D, for whatever has been done with it since it became the standard in games, I still prefer the sprites of the infinity like engines. Even a good game theese days, such as Mass Effect1/2, has ugly shit coming and going. With a 2d sprite engine, at least the shittyness is...
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    New Vegas debut trailer

    Probably reading way too much into this... but: The lonely robot as Obsidian. Slowly working away at awakening the long dead and buried glittering gems of hatred. The tool they have for the task is not really appropriate, but it's all they can do.
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    Fallout 3d Models > is it possibile?

    Just wow. We really are not worthy. :clap:
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    New critter animations - Stoner dude [WIP 3D->2D]

    And a bit skinny... but maybe that's due to all the barrel-chested, ham for an arm guys around him. :) This was done before though, wasn't it? The girl critter?