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  1. Erich van Loon

    @Aurelius Of Phoenix thanks for answering. (Shoulda done the enclave dude picking up)

    @Aurelius Of Phoenix thanks for answering. (Shoulda done the enclave dude picking up)
  2. Erich van Loon

    ...Hello, based department?

    ...Hello, based department?
  3. Erich van Loon

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I went there last year, it’s very safe tho Hebron and Arab controlled areas tend to be dangerous. also, my yeshiva (school) had recruited me and they really want me to come. It seems like my kind of place so I can’t wait to go
  4. Erich van Loon

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    US ——> Israel
  5. Erich van Loon

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Figured I'd say this in here. So my girl didn't lie about her age, instead she was held back, plus her bday was recent, so she's 17-18. So that's that. My gap year is worked out, so hopefully travel opens up so I can get the fuck outta here.
  6. Erich van Loon

    Bruh, wasn't there a good live action fan series years ago? Last I recall, good ol bethesda shut...

    Bruh, wasn't there a good live action fan series years ago? Last I recall, good ol bethesda shut em down. Fuck Bethesda, all my homies hate bethesda
  7. Erich van Loon

    Feel better bro

    Feel better bro
  8. Erich van Loon

    in regards to what, fo4 and 76?

    in regards to what, fo4 and 76?
  9. Erich van Loon


  10. Erich van Loon

    Well fellas, I got a crush on a girl now and supposedly she likes me back

    Well fellas, I got a crush on a girl now and supposedly she likes me back
  11. Erich van Loon

    Damn it, looked really good tho ;-;

    Damn it, looked really good tho ;-;
  12. Erich van Loon

    @AlphaPromethean yes but I'm still very early in the game

    @AlphaPromethean yes but I'm still very early in the game
  13. Erich van Loon

    Picked up the Outherworlds a coupla days ago. It's refreshing to play an actually good RPG.

    Picked up the Outherworlds a coupla days ago. It's refreshing to play an actually good RPG.
  14. Erich van Loon

    Regardless, I'm prob gonna get it (assuming I decide to get a ps5)

    Regardless, I'm prob gonna get it (assuming I decide to get a ps5)
  15. Erich van Loon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's Hsu Hao, the most hated Mortal Kombat kharacter.
  16. Erich van Loon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10, looks cool enough, what's it from?
  17. Erich van Loon

    @TorontoReign this is better than a rick roll @AlphaPromethean fun fact: my brother used to...

    @TorontoReign this is better than a rick roll @AlphaPromethean fun fact: my brother used to play through HL from time to time just to hear that.
  18. Erich van Loon

    ^ Why wasn't this in my childhood

    ^ Why wasn't this in my childhood
  19. Erich van Loon

    Well fellas, I'm graduating today. Send me ending themes to vibe to ig

    Well fellas, I'm graduating today. Send me ending themes to vibe to ig
  20. Erich van Loon

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've recently got my hands on Tekken 7, and for awhile I had been playing MK11 (and a little bit of X) Bryan Fury might be my new fav character but he's so damn hard to use