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  1. M

    PC Gamer blog: everyone will love Fallout 3, except us.

    Sea Dogs and it's semi-sequel "Pirates Of The Caribbean" were made by Akella, a Russian game development company, not Bethesda. Bethesda published them, that's all. A list of games actually made by Bethesda: Notice...
  2. M

    PC Gamer blog: everyone will love Fallout 3, except us.

    I really dislike the "hate it on principle" thing. This gets said over and over, but since none of our critics seem to read it it needs to be restated over and over again: The problem with Bethesda developing the game is that their style of RPG and Fallout's type of RPG are very different, and...
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    Fallout 3 in May Issue of PC Zone UK

    It's funny how crpg's have gone back to their roots. Except this time around, it's the players who don't have enough memory or processing power to handle complex dialogues.
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    Gothic: The Movie!

    Very nice, I'll check it out later. Unless they're trying to scare people away though they should really change that "GB" to "MB".
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    Americans (and anyone else i suppose)

    16% Dixie. Wow! You are a Duke of Yankeedom! They left out a key yankee identifier though: "How do you pronounce 'car'? (a) 'car' (b) 'I don't have a caah cuzz thez no place ta paahk'"
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    New Xbox360?

    My friend has an XBox360 and the thing is almost as loud as a vacuum cleaner. I'd hate to hear what the version with even higher cooling requirements sounds like.
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    What game should I buy next? (PC only)

    Temple Of Elemental Evil If you're interested in combat/strategy games with RPG elements, Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm are both good. The Gothic games are a must for any RPG fan. Arx Fatalis is really good too, as Rainstorm said, but be aware that it's very light on interaction and...
  8. M

    GDC panel; the viability of PC gaming

    No shit. "Piracy is killing PC gaming! It has nothing to do with the fact that we're making bug-ridden games that require a supercomputer to run and have nothing to offer but cliche action gameplay and shiny graphics."
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    Star Trek's PA world and entertainment

    I don't know what logic they use to justify it in the world itself, but the real answer is pretty simple: The original show was made in the mid-1960's and had more or less the style and ideals of those times, and all the rest of the shows just go by the original.
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    Rosh on Fallout 3

    Unless I missed some hidden subtext, he didn't say anything about thinking that Rosh is lying. I really don't understand what the problem is. It's a rumor: there is nothing to back it up, no facts, no names, no evidence, nothing. Kharn and others are just pointing that out - there is nothing...
  11. M

    Desslock and Fallout combat/viewpoint

    I don't want to put words in his mouth, but he probably meant both. And whatever Desslock actually meant by his reply, I don't think anyone should get their hopes up for TB. Unless you're a incurable optimist you should assume that combat is going to be real time, given Bethesda's game history.
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    Interview with Star Trek Gamers' Victor

    On the other hand, compared to nearly every other industry out there the gaming industry is pretty angelic.
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    Bethesda on the Escapist - The Right Direction

    The "but keeps pushing it forward, that tries new things" part has me a bit wary, as it should, but otherwise that's a very encouraging statement. They're only words, of course, and don't make any promises about what direction they are taking the game, but it's good to hear.
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    The obligatory Vista thread

    I don't think I'll be getting Vista, at least any time in the near future. It's pretty expensive and as an OS it doesn't do anything I care about, so I'm looking at it like a a variation on a gaming console - if enough games come out for dx10 that I'd be interested in playing, I'll think about...
  15. M

    Glittering gems of hatred, part II

    While I somewhat agree with your general sentiment, you chose a bad example. That guy was just being an asshole; you don't act hospitable to someone whose intention is first and foremost to insult you. That's just common sense. Resignation was not an inherent part of the aging process the...
  16. M

    DaC throws down the gauntlet

    Take out the "s" in FPS and there are plenty of examples. Wizardry VII and VIII are some semi-modern (i.e., 3D) games that did it, off the top of my head. Turn based combat in a first person view is actually almost as old as PC games themselves - Wizardry, Might & Magic, Bard's Tale, the first...
  17. M

    DaC throws down the gauntlet

    I'm guessing that most responses are going to be the same as we always see, but I'd be interested to see any developer's comments on it or to see anyone post some actual verifiable facts instead of the usual never ending "my opinion vs. your opinion" debates.
  18. M

    Gamespy is kind of weird

    Since he says "Anything that ticks off Fallout fans makes me happy", can we safely assume that he is not a fan of the Fallout games? His assertion that he has wanted a Fallout 3 game for years would seem to indicate that he actually is a fan of the game though - so perhaps we should assume he is...
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    Bethesda producer on Fallout

    Bethesda is a business, not some shy cute kitten that we're scaring away. We are a fan site - we all come here because we love the game and like to talk about it, not because we're making money from it or want to help a company hype their product. I don't agree with everything everyone here...
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    Stalker Collector's edition?

    That's just an old preview of the Collector's Edition box. Some new game box manufacturing technologies came out while they were still designing the box that they wanted to take advantage of, so they scrapped that one and are currently working on a new one, which should be twice as awesome as...