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  1. SarcasticGoodGuy


  2. SarcasticGoodGuy


  3. SarcasticGoodGuy

    He's not a lawyer. We keep him around because he's fun. LOOK AT HIM GO.

    He's not a lawyer. We keep him around because he's fun. LOOK AT HIM GO.
  4. SarcasticGoodGuy


  5. SarcasticGoodGuy

    wow what an unpopular opinion, thank you for exposing me to this new view of the Fallout...

    wow what an unpopular opinion, thank you for exposing me to this new view of the Fallout franchise also Kadscaner you left your jelly beans at my house, want me to post them?
  6. SarcasticGoodGuy

    I'm finally cured of my homosensuality. Vice President Pence just hooked some clips to my nips...

    I'm finally cured of my homosensuality. Vice President Pence just hooked some clips to my nips and run 50kV through my exposed body.
  7. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Loli? Try the real thing. I'm on a list now and it's your fault @Kadscaner

    Loli? Try the real thing. I'm on a list now and it's your fault @Kadscaner
  8. SarcasticGoodGuy

    You should get the pregnancy mod which gives your female PC a nude pregnant model. Great jerkoff...

    You should get the pregnancy mod which gives your female PC a nude pregnant model. Great jerkoff material.
  9. SarcasticGoodGuy

    ikr I wanted Jeb Bush

    ikr I wanted Jeb Bush
  10. SarcasticGoodGuy

    You should play the Randy Savage Deathclaw mod for F4. It makes a c00l game fUcKiNg 3PiC xDDDD

    You should play the Randy Savage Deathclaw mod for F4. It makes a c00l game fUcKiNg 3PiC xDDDD
  11. SarcasticGoodGuy

    My dad used to play games all the time. Now he's too busy with work. I think a few months ago he...

    My dad used to play games all the time. Now he's too busy with work. I think a few months ago he setup an emulator for himself and played some games from the Dreamcast. Also fuck you Fagscanner.
  12. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Initial Impressions: ME: Andromeda (Spoilers Inside)

    Pr0ne makes a good point. Most of the aliens have been removed, and those from the OT that remain are all humanoid. Even the Krogan are similar in that they have two legs and arms. The elcor, hanar and to a lesser extent volus were the only significant ones which weren't humanoid.
  13. SarcasticGoodGuy

    The official "Where we review Mass Effect: Andromeda" thread *spoilers*

    I love the Collector Kett origins. I saw it and went "wow really makes you think."
  14. SarcasticGoodGuy

    My current stance on this franchise

    I'd love to see a satirical Fallout comic ripping into Bethesda's shitty writing. Sure I'd like actual content that contributes towards the Fallout name, but at this point I just want Bethesda to crash and burn- they haven't learnt anything, Fallout 4 sold well and there's not much chance of a...
  15. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Ah suppose, but pennywise looks pretty good. The second jumpscare was freaky- made me jump for...

    Ah suppose, but pennywise looks pretty good. The second jumpscare was freaky- made me jump for the first time but when I rewatched it I had a giggle at how silly it was.
  16. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Anyone have thoughts on the It "teaser"?

    Anyone have thoughts on the It "teaser"?
  17. SarcasticGoodGuy


  18. SarcasticGoodGuy

    The official "Where we review Mass Effect: Andromeda" thread *spoilers*

    5 years + $40 million = this^. People say that the facial animations aren't too big of a deal. These are the same people that praised Mass Effect for its characters and their interactions. Also, I didn't know that Krogan could be gay boyband members. Andromeda sure is a weird place.
  19. SarcasticGoodGuy

    nice avatar

    nice avatar
  20. SarcasticGoodGuy

    what happened?

    what happened?