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  1. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    I'm on it now... have some thing to look; perhaps when you have the GECK, complete all the main quest and all you have to do is to go to the Oil Rig. What you think? Because the intel about the vertibird tell that way -->This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from...
  2. Touquet

    Fallout PnP RPG - How did it work out for you?

    I create my own Fallout P&P baser on sereral RPG game; D&D, Vampire and Shadowrun. I've take out the concept of action point, armor have AC and dmg threshold only. Initiative (sequence) is the same than Shadowrun 2nd Edition rules I add new skills and sub-skill and use d10 system for...
  3. Touquet

    Spear swing attack

    Sound good for me. Will give some boost for throwing PCs. And could it be add to the mod MrFixit so the player could make with the right parts new dynamite spear. edit: Why not some kind of ripper-spear or monofilament spear too !? ;) Could have better chance for cirpped limbs. so when...
  4. Touquet

    Looking for someone good in graphic for Fallout P&P imag

    Hi, back again. I'm looking for someone who can make some image look like Fallout critters: a double head snake, a double head bear, a giant spider, and a giant bat. Need also the "target screen" like this --> thx
  5. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Just to "unconfuse" other... 1- from data\Text\English\Dialog\civerti.msg 2- from data\Text\English\Dialog\cisactrl.msg :mrgreen:
  6. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I'm not confusing... {132}{}{You're one round short of a full clip, aren't you? Well, they call you grunts for a reason. Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without authorization, okay? So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper paperwork.} {133}{}{Look, Einstein, I...
  7. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    You have to find a requisition for it but I use sneak and open the locker... ;)
  8. Touquet

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire - Eddie Seiler, Sol Marcus, Bennie Benjemen and Eddie Durham
  9. Touquet

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10, remind me Mad Max 2; one of my fetish movie ! :D
  10. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Better check my gear again... :roll: But I think you have some kind of auto-pilot... "This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from the Navarro outpost, to the docking rig, and back again. All procedures are fully automated and thus no intervention by crew...
  11. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Somewhere in the "Hills", but if I'm correct Maria at Navarro base have to tell you to search for Captain Anthony Fassard , EUSAF pilot first. He drink too much... :wink: but after some shot he will talk... Have you past the test to be become a mailman??
  12. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    I do! It was hard to find the pilot who tell you how to fly but after that all you need is to go to Navarro, get some chemical requisition and fly away with the vertibird. But once you get the vertibird from Navarro you can't get back without a fight... And I don't figure how to refuel the...
  13. Touquet

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    It's very good, I always give to every NPC a Wasaki blade. Can wait to see it for real! Nice job
  14. Touquet

    some questions

    Last time I'va play with EPA location it was in the Megamod and work 90% good; Never get crash when going in the sublvl or whent doin gsome quest for the doctor. All I have was some kind of "level reset" when chosing to enter the EPA witout going by the ventilation area. Perhaps ask killap...
  15. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    That ok for me. edit: When I'm using a Bozar or been shoot with (NCR guard at Bazzard), there is no sound effect... :s is thsi normal?
  16. Touquet

    some questions

    Junk... the gold tooth is yours now :lol:
  17. Touquet

    some questions

    Don't remember exactly but on the left side * * * * | | * * * * ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- + * x * *| | * * * * * * * * | | * * * * *= grave + = Lenny father: ghoul x = Mordino stash, Myron must be with you and you have to tell hin to stay here...
  18. Touquet

    some questions

    1- Brother John at the Abbey 2- Have to find the Modino stash before Myron tell you the APE location 3- Gauss Rifle and/or Panko Jackhammer--> attention for burst mod ;)
  19. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Who give the quest "Resolve the problem with the nearby village" fo the Vault village in VC?