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  1. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    I know that Ian; aka Old Joe, is a part of the Vault village Quest with the NPC Connar and Ann, but I can't tell what part...
  2. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Oh Ok, it's been a long time since I've play the original version... :wink: hehe About Ian in VC, he still die whatever the dialog you choose.. except that he give you an armor in one way.
  3. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    If I'm correct there is some rock already in this part to block access to the toilet underground... But after I give the watch and complete the quest, do other thing and come back later, if I go in the second part of the mine and go back to the B&B area I'm still "spawn" in the toilet
  4. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    So I Modoc it happen before and afther I get the quest from Corneluis and get the watch. I know I need the watch so I've been there to get it and then go to see Cornelius--> I'm in the toilet 1- I go to get some or, I enter the second part of the mine then go out to see the blacksmith--> I'm in...
  5. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Ok I recreate the bug. I'm in Modoc from Main Street I go to the mine, enter the second part where the Mole Rat is with the watch. I exit the mine and go to the B&B area. Zap... I'm in the toilet behind the B&B. I've try and each time I have the same bug, My character, Klint(who still...
  6. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    The car bug happen if I reload the save just before getting to BH from NR. If I reload from a previous save, it's not happening. So for this one is quite random. The bug in Modoc happen several time already so it's why I'm posting it. I think is when I go into the mine to find the watch then...
  7. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    The correct answer is in \data\Text\English\Dialog\tribec1.msg --> {230}{}{Well, our warriors are stretched very thin at the moment. Our tribe has suffered a lot in the past few years from deaths and very few births. What with defending the tribe from other tribes and hunting for food, our...
  8. Touquet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    If I'm correct is 5 sharpened spears and not normal spears...
  9. Touquet

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    I reload a save before I get to VC. I will try different dialog option to see if Ian will continue to "die" Perhaps Ian (Old Joe) have something to do with the Vault village. For the purpose of mining some ore I figure out, take a lot of time to get some... edit: after some test same...
  10. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Car problem: Since the reload of a previous save I can get in the car in BH and the "teleport" from NR to BH have not happen again. In Modoc when I enter the B&B area I appear in the toilet! Eurk! Is that happen to someone else?
  11. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    I will dot it again then: I will erase the .pro files the copy then from the archive --> redownload it first v2.32 mark them read-only reload the game and try to trade with Klint. If I go the same bur, I will unistall F2 and erase all fallout files. For now I'm running 3 diff version...
  12. Touquet

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Where is the guy how can teach me how to mine some ore?? I try Redding and Brokne Hill and did not find him... :( Can someone can give me some hint?
  13. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    1- Still the same, I re-copy the .pro files put then read-only reload the game and still have the same problem. And now Klint wear a metal armor but have only 30 hp. Other bug, 2- I was in New Reno, select to go in Broken Hill and on world map I've been "teleported" to BH. No travel...
  14. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    You were roght, I remove his armor and now I can trade again! :) THX!! :D edit: stange, every time Klint have an armor I can't trade with him. I've to ask him to remove it, quit dialog, takl to him again; now i can trade with then ask him tu use the armor. very strange... :|
  15. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Ok then, I reopen the archive, copy all the proto, reload but still can't trade with hin.. It was working until some days from now...
  16. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    This file is missing! :s is that normal?
  17. Touquet

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Hi, I've juste restart a game withe the Megamod 2.3 and at The Den I can't trade with Klint... It's said: " You cannot trade with this critter" or something like that.The fact is he got a leather jacket and I want to give him another armor. There is someone with the same problem? Thx!
  18. Touquet

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    I will restart from juste before taking the quest and do it again. If it happen again I will "pm" you about it. If you don't mind edit: Now it's workin good :) Don't know what goes wrong, done the same thing... Btw is there a reason why Ian in VC die for no reason... I've talk to him...
  19. Touquet

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Have a problem with Modoc quest about bring back Kar. I've talk to him about his story but cannot tell him that was just a fake. Now time is running out to complete the quest!! :( A clue ??
  20. Touquet

    MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

    Hi, I've juste restart a game withe the Megamod 2.3 and at The Den I can't trade with Klint... It's said: " You cannot trade with this critter" or something like that.The fact is he got a leather jacket and I want to give him another armor. There is someone with the same problem? Thx!