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  1. Relentless666

    So what story lines are left to tap for DLC

    Well, I've found some textures in a folder labeled nvdlcgraffiti. I'm going to put those in spoiler tags, since they are not info you get in the game, but info you get by digging through the game files and some people might not be ok with that. [spoiler:48a3743665]First half of the graffiti...
  2. Relentless666

    A problem with T-51b's

    Well, I haven't done something like this since Morrowind. However I found this on YouTube - might be helpful in your situation. Sure, the guy sounds like he's on drugs, but he seems to be doing something right.
  3. Relentless666

    Mr. House - Saviour or Tyrant?

    All this constant quoting and bashing other people's every statement is getting out of hand, not to mention becoming pretty annoying. This is the second thread I've seen this week that's been turned into DForge vs. the world. DForge, no need to turn everything into an argument. I find the way...
  4. Relentless666

    More Fallout Then Fallout (MOD)

    Downloaded the files, loved the new look... But I couldn't resist, so I did a few tweaks on the texture and scaled down the helmet. I've only uploaded the edited files, so they won't work without Ravager's files. Remember, these are very minor tweaks and you probably won't need them or...
  5. Relentless666

    Mr. House - Saviour or Tyrant?

    Well, just think of House as someone who's seen Vegas before the War, then spend 200 years or so living inside a coffin. New Vegas is his playground, his attempt to make his own kingdom where he's a God and a way to bring back the feeling of the Pre-War days.
  6. Relentless666

    Mr. House - Saviour or Tyrant?

    Survival. Ego. Maybe a bit of nostalgia for the pre-war days.
  7. Relentless666

    Mr. House - Saviour or Tyrant?

    If we focus on House's actions instead of his sweet promises about bringing a brighter future the things are pretty clear. The fact is House is a dictator who has his own personal army of robots and his whole parasitic economy serves mostly him and his personal agendas. On the other hand the NCR...
  8. Relentless666

    Mr. House - Saviour or Tyrant?

    The only thing House seems to care is his own well-being. Sure, he talks all sweet, but so does every politician out there. Vegas is his very own playground, working only to serve him. Don't think for a second he won't wipe out the whole town if it stands in the way of his plans.
  9. Relentless666

    Fallout game set in a different country.

    I'm thinking Hawaii. It's kind of small compared to previous games, but maybe as a DLC or something... But in general, any location can work with the proper writing. Hell, the Soviet Union wasn't too different from the United States in some regards. You just put more matryoshka dolls...
  10. Relentless666

    The neat little touches

    4. In one of the rooms in Vault 22, you'd find a baby stroller... as well as a hostile spore carrier runt. That's pretty dark.
  11. Relentless666

    Lore inconsistencies

    Man, I was thinking the exact same thing. "Sir! You asking me for coffee means you are no longer fit to lead!"
  12. Relentless666

    Direction of New Vegas' DLC

    Or the Amish. Though the Amish are more East Coast. :roll: ...God, I just imagined a Bethesda-made Amish DLC for Fallout 3. The horror, the horror! :shock:
  13. Relentless666

    We can't stop here...

    I've had this crazy idea about a pack of mutant blood-drinking man-bats that come from Central America and are trying to take over Tijuana/San Diego. There was also an NCR outpost there (Ranger Station Ursa) and a ghoul town by the name of Las Calaveras that worships the dead. Now, if only I had...
  14. Relentless666

    Chief Hanlon *possible spoilers*

    Heh, I tried turning him in, but that old geezer splattered his brain on the wall. So I did what any self-respecting wastelander would - took his gun and clothes. It's kind of sad... Did his rangers bury him in his underwear? He got off easy. I would have loved to see him getting...
  15. Relentless666

    Lore inconsistencies

    It's probably just an outdated and half-forgotten rule no one takes seriously, because(practically speaking) it's kind of silly.
  16. Relentless666

    Are you happy for Fallout to remain Post-post apocalyptic?

    The world is still post-apocalyptic. I think it's silly to believe we are over the radiation, poverty, tribals, water shortage and monsters just because a dozen settlements are now part of the NCR. The world itself remains a hellhole. And from a player's point of vies, this is a great way to...
  17. Relentless666

    "The game was rigged from the start"

    Yeah, but it could also be a general observation on life and death. As in "No matter how well one lives, one can't beat death."
  18. Relentless666

    Why have we not made our own TC?

    Yeah, where does one even begin? Getting thrown out of the vault for example. So my daddy ran away and he left some cryptic message for me. Can't I DECIDE if I want out? You know, I go and talk to the Overseer, try to convince him to let me out, maybe do a small quest inside the vault first...
  19. Relentless666

    NCR in New Vegas

    No, the NCR won't last that long. I'm sure there whole organization would end up devouring itself in a bloody revolution. They only have a few more years.
  20. Relentless666

    What kind of mods would interest you?

    Here is something I thought about recently... Maintaining/repairing weapons and armor Maintaining shouldn't take another weapon. It's just silly. Maybe you can use scrap metal/electronics instead. Maybe you can maintain armor with hides, leather belts and scrap depending on the armor. And how...