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  1. I

    There are Nazis on the moon! Buy War Bonds!

    "Das ist ein kleiner Schritt für den Menschen, aber ein großer Schritt für das Vaterland!" :mrgreen: :clap: Seems like a really interesting film project:
  2. I

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Well, they are kept safely stored and maintained by our Bundeswehr so they can be handed out to the German civilians once Belgium decides to invade our homeland. :mrgreen: Btw. fuck the ergonomics, you can find the G3 all over the world. Still, it was a pain in the ass to shoot. But that...
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    Half-Life Fan Movie: Escape from City 17

    Part 1 Better quality:
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    NMA has threatened my computer!!!

    It's good enough for the reason it was programmed. It's debatable whether blocking outbound connections is really very useful (if you have malware trying to make outbound connections, then you have malware already). Vista's firewall is a pretty good firewall, though - it won't necessarily...
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    NMA has threatened my computer!!!

    Thats bullshit. The Windows firewall is just as good as any other software firewall (for example ZoneAlarm). But they all give you only a limited amount of protection. Only a real hardware firewall (Router) can be described as "safe".
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    Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. released

    Well it works on my 1 year old HTC too, but I think it is unplayable at this moment because scrolling is a pain in the ass.
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    So what difference do you all think he will make?

    I can't help myself but republicans like you make me feel like a communist everytime i have a discussion with them, although I consider myself a conservative liberal by German standarts. :wink: Don't get me wrong you have your opinion and its ok and fine, but I have had plenty of these...
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    So what difference do you all think he will make?

    I have read and wrote enough papers about international political economy theory to understand the concept of the Free Market. What I was trying to point is that there are allways going to be inderpendences between politics and economy that will distort our beloved supply and demand mantra...
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    So what difference do you all think he will make?

    If I have a job, why would I need somebody to feed me with a fucking fish to survive in the first place? The Free Market is an ideal type that never existed. It didn't exist in in the stone age and it doesn't exist nowadays. I am not talking about the state baby sitting citizens but I...
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    So what difference do you all think he will make?

    I feel somebody should give him a fishing rod in the first place.