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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    So what... we did the same in '72 and '74. :mrgreen:
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    CHTULHU! :shock:
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa :smug:
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    The football field looks more like the acre we used to plant potatoes after the war! :mrgreen:
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Redeem for what? Spain played an excelent game and it was clearly the better team, there is no shame losing 0:1 against such a team.
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    So what did it turn out in the end?
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Germany vs. England... although this goal does not matter anymore... its 4:1 for Germany right now. Edit:
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Although I would call this a clear goal... oh well.
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    Good choice! If you order a DELL do it via phone! You can always bargain a bit, a friend of mine managed to bargain a vostro from 850€ to 700... so try your luck :)
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    Ask at you can get the warranty extension much cheaper on the interwebz.
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    SCHLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!* *Although our team played quite suboptimal, they have to start playing better if they want to survive the next games.
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    Ok Astiaks, a year ago I would have suggested that you by a Thinkpad R400 for 765€ ... 9cell battery, wxga+ LED Display, switchable graphics, 3 years of warranty. Well this model is sold out. So if you really want a Thinkpad (and I recommend this brand to everyone) now here are your...
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    The Macbook is a fine computer. However I would upgrade the warrenty to 3 years... 1 year warranty for such an expensive piece of equipment is a joke. 2 other reasons you might want to consider: 1) The MBP has a glossy display... :x 2) You won't be able to repair much by yourself (unlike...
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    Hmm... U:book had much better notenbook offers last year... What about this one? Btw. If you want more oppinions check out
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    I would not recommend bying an L-Series... It's a bad deal. If you want to code you'll want to have as much information displayed on the screen as possible hence an wxga+ or wsxga+ resolution. Which country are you from? Can you link me the page with your student notebook offers? Here...
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    So my netbook died on me after 2 years....

    Fuck the G-Series... it does not even come close to a real Thinkpad. I would go for an refurbished Thinkpad T-Series. (Try to get a refurbushed Thinkpad R400 with LED and wgxa+ Display... those are awesome notebooks with a great cost-benefit ratio) Bullshit, Lenovo sells consumer...
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Serbia played as I expected... How did it earn it? Even with on man less in the team they managed to uphold the pressure and nearly drew level. Btw.
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    Hey Heinz, How do Cornetas look like? Do we have to prepare for the same sound/noise during the next World Cup in Brazil?
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Best Korea is going to kick Brazils arso so much! GO BEST KOREA! :clap:
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    Vuvuzela :smug: