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  1. E

    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Absolutely. Everyone should feel free to make whatever use of materials from my mod they like in their own mods. I updated that separate link to the changelog (other than downloading it as part of the mod) in the original post.
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    When you stare at all the maps as long as I have, one of the things that eventually jumps out at you is-- most of the maps are really boring in appearance. They have huge empty areas with no tile variety, it's sad since traditionally the pre-rendered tiles are considered one of the game's great...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Thanks for your interest, fellas. I don't think most people are too interested in reading zillion-word changelogs, though I know some are of course. I had mixed feelings keeping a log for this version in the first place, that was a lot of writing for such a specialized interest, but in the end...
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    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    This mod was released years ago, and I've been trying to redirect comments from here to the modding forum so this thread isn't clogging up the recent events of the News section. But since new players still seem to find this news discussion on a regular basis, everyone should know I've updated my...
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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Endocore: Redux (Fallout Tactics) __________ Name: Redux (mod for Fallout Tactics) Version: 1.3 Language: US Author: Endocore Release: ~2011 Website: NMA || moddb Copyright: Bethesda Softworks LLC. __________ Description: Redux - is a major revision of the Fallout Tactics from the ground up...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Looking around the internet, apparently the most common cause of these problems relates to insufficient file permissions for bos.exe. Everyone should make a shortcut to always start the game directly with bos.exe (don't use "Fallout Tactics Launcher.exe" as its only purpose is to see if you...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Changing the in-game sound setting to DirectX (from Miles) was a good suggestion from Vault Maker. Another thing to check would be one's general sound-card settings. It's hard to give advice on a problem unless I can see it first-hand for study, but that's not to doubt some players have such...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    I don't have any trouble with things like that, Felipefpl. What OS are you running the game on? Is it on a current computer, or a vintage machine? The only strange behavior I ever notice is if I play for many hours in a continuous session; then things start to slow, but only a little, and...
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    List of HEX-based fixes/changes in Bos.exe file

    @RobertHouse Looks like Mash (author of the resolution patch) hasn't been active for a long time. Are the hex changes you posted compatible with all exe versions, specifically the updated version you have available on Moddb? In other words, will the changes you posted here make any bos.exe...
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    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    I think most people using a mod these days also know about 7z, I've been using it for distribution for a long time and never had any questions about it. The first thing I noticed in looking at your mod was all the maps. That's a lot of work no matter what, they still had to be revised...
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    Is There A Such Thing As Having 'Too Many Mods'?

    Dopey Cleric, you seem to be under the impression that I respect your opinion, so let's correct your delusion: buzz off. In commerce, customers pay for producers to make things, so competent producers strive to make things pleasing to consumers. It's the basis of modern society, nitwit.
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    Is There A Such Thing As Having 'Too Many Mods'?

    I don't understand this 'respect the artist's vision' angle, though it's not anything I'd want to argue about; you fellas are welcome to your own beliefs. The way I see it, game producers work for me, because I'm the one paying them when I buy their games. If I'm dissatisfied with the product I...
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    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    I looked at your some of your materials using the editor, and this is impressive work. I can see at a glance you've spent hundreds of hours on this project. You should do some salesmanship, you have a lot to be proud of here. Some things people would be interested to know are: 1) How many...
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    Fallout 2 noob, which mods and how?

    Almost no mods are compatible with each other, not because modders are short-sighted but because the game is old and the architecture has many restrictions. Your best bet is just to start with killap's FO2 Restoration Project. It's easy to install, quality is high, and my understanding is it...
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    Is There A Such Thing As Having 'Too Many Mods'?

    Is there such a thing as a game that is too much fun? Is there such a thing as being too satisfied with a product for which you paid good money? Interesting discussion, but I'm not sure I understand the original question. If one enjoys a game, and finds well-made mods that add to one's...
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    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    The issue is not nearly as unambiguous as you claim. Unlike most old games (including Fallout and Fallout 2), Fallout Tactics has a specific modding EULA, and modding is a licensed use of all game materials in the legal sense. I've read this license on many occassions, and I don't think there is...
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    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    The reason modders aren't sued for copyright infringement is that we are significant money-makers for companies. Modding activity is one of the primary generators of catalog title impressions and sales, and game companies benefit from all this fan-made work at no cost to themselves. Game...
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    Legitimate Free Public License Music for Fallout Mods

    Good find, valcik. There's a good tribal theme in there, and a few of the other songs could work well as ambient music for maps. While looking at the page you linked, I also found the following: Th Hddn Flux Both have public licenses. They are mostly general sci-fi themes, but each has a few...
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    Fallout Tactics 2:Long Live The King

    Modding is a lonely road. On the other hand, almost all the group projects we have heard about over the years faded to vaporware, and the only work that actually ever gets done is work by lone modders. If you're having trouble a lot of trouble, you might consider scaling back your plans to...
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    Must have?

    That's funny stuff. Thanks for further investigating and making some progress on this matter. :clap: