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    Fallout 2 with RP 2.3.3 : I can't extract a brain from a companion

    Congratulations and thanks to Nerevar for finding this problem. I never use the extractor, and had no idea this script was such a disaster area. killap made some fixes to allow consideration of security bots in the past, but it's still a mess. In addition to the problem Nerevar found about...
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    This has been a long standing issue for years now. I won't say it can't be done, but I can say confidently I don't know how to do it, and over the many years no one else has ever found a way, either.
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    How to lower high skill level starting out with RP,ect.

    There's nothing unusual or modified about the RP/UP in this respect, so there must be a problem with whatever utilities you're using to hack your character.
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    Proto editing problem

    You just need to backtrack step by step until you find out which item is causing the problem. If the art (frm) is missing, then the item with the missing art won't be displayed in-game, so your method of examining items in-game isn't likely to work. Double-check your inven.lst and items.lst to...
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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Thanks. An important factor in these cases is often just to get some verification that someone else had the same problem, so one doesn't think one is going crazy. :grin: I got the 134kb character working by pulling about maybe 150-200 lines from the msg and putting them in another msg (luckily...
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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    "Tail does not match" is probably the second least helpful Ruby compiler error, right after "internal error." "Tail does not match" usually means the script in question contains what the decompiler believes is invalid or nonsense code (which therefore cannot be decompiled even as ASM). In my...
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    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    Sorry I missed the question of Samson3, but it's only by chance I would notice something up here in the news forum. In the future everyone is welcome to comment in a better spot here so we're not clogging the news forum regarding something that's two years old now. :smile:
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    What is your definition of RPG?

    I think the foremost concern of role-playing games is the construction of (rather than the presentation of) of engaging narratives. Role-playing games are a form of social interaction, and we ought not allow an unusual detail of one derivative format (computer role-playing games, often...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    You can edit the prefab characters (using the Editor that comes with the game) to make them pretty much anything you want (like a robot), but I don't think there's any way to get the regular character creation process to offer those options. Without actually checking, I don't think a dog would...
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    What is your definition of RPG?

    You're welcome. I had wanted to do that for years, and finally had some time so it finally got done.
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    What is your definition of RPG?

    When we ask what a role-playing game is, perhaps we should first ask what role-playing is. Role-playing is usually a blend of three related but distinct ideas: 1) I am the player-character. What would I do in a novel situation as presented by the narrative and setting of the game? This is...
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    What's The Best z-code Interpreter For iPhone?

    If your friend likes text games and interactive fiction, if he's not already aware you may want to tell him about the 20th annual Interactive Fiction competition coming up next month. It's a pretty big deal in that genre, and lots of people make games for the public to vote on. I try to...
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    What's The Best z-code Interpreter For iPhone?

    My impression is there aren't a lot of choices here. I don't have an iphone or an i-anything else so I've never actually used it, but from what I've read casually iFrotz (freeware) is the best choice.
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    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Good job. :clap: My hope was always that my Redux mod would be a starting point for a community effort, and I'm glad to see you taking up that challenge.
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    Play Sfall Sound

    Thanks for the explanation, darkf, that finally makes sense to me. MIB88-- I'll play around a little with your script when I get home based on what you said and see if I can get anything going on this issue. In the meantime, if anyone else has used play_sfall_sound this discussion can only...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    Unfortunately not, but I did learn my lesson finally this spring and padded vault13.gam and scripts.lst with placeholders to avoid this problem in the future. Anyway, if you have time to play the game now you should go ahead and play rather than wait around. I have a fair amount of stuff to...
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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    To the guy who said there's a problem at the BOS bunker, I can't actually check at this time since I have no savegames anywhere near the area but I think you almost certainly did not install the MM correctly. A quick look at the scripts included in 2.45 and 2.45.1 indicates MIB88 used the...
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    Play Sfall Sound

    @darkf Yes, I just tried it again to verify. procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin variable tmp; if (op_obj_pid(op_obj_being_used_with()) == 605) then tmp := op_play_sfall_sound("data\\sound\\SFX\\zmnc1.wav", 0); Upon trying to use the harmonica during gameplay, the game...
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    Armour Glitches/bugs Bridgekeepers Robe

    It's possible to fix this in each npc's script, if you know how to edit scripts, but it's a lot of work for a what I think most would consider a trivial purpose. If you'd like to prevent npcs from using certain weapons, short of editing their scripts the best way is simply to not put unwanted...
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    Doing a bit of work on some random encounter tables, got a question

    On the drugs issue, in the file AI.txt. find the section dealing with the AI packet you want to change and add (or modify if already present) the line: chem_use=always If necessary, use your text editor's "search" function to look through the file for other examples to find out where to put...