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  1. E

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Good work, MIB88. I tried to add the file to NMA, but I guess it needs to be reviewed first. In the meantime, here's a mirror amongst my Atomic Gamer stuff.
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    Custom Taunts/Floating Text for Recruits

    Possible is not the nearly the same as plausible, unfortunately. It's the old trouble of tag-names getting removed on map changes; in practice, player-characters therefore can't have tag-names, and without those float text is implausible. Sure, you'll see a few discussions in the archives of...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Radiation from plasma damage was a way to make the game harder-- given the mission-based format, enemies don't suffer too badly from it (because you're going to exterminate them all anyway moments later), but player-characters will have some trouble. There was a more detailed discussion a long...
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    Miria for Real! "mod"

    Miria's waiting functionality is part of her script (, and has little to do with her .pro files. You could have several sources for the problems you've described, but I think it sounds like when you edited the mcmiria.msg text file you probably either added an extra brace { } or...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Sorry about the duplicated recruits in the early bunkers; that was a bug I introduced in the last update, and though it's fixed for an as yet unreleased additional update that doesn't make it any less obnoxious for current players. :eek: I mainly divided the weapons into classes by caliber of...
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    Maps after editing

    Scripts don't need to be read-only for Fallout or Fallout 2; only proto (*.pro) files in the data/proto/ folders are affected by problems at runtime. For script changes, though, you'll almost always have to re-enter a map for the first time to see your changes take effect (somewhat...
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    Mod Launcher for Fallout Tactics

    One of the most unexpected problems modding these old games is reaching one's audience-- many potential players simply don't know what to do with the raw material the modder provides. Good job on this, then. :clap: Anything that helps get players playing faster and easier (rather than reading...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    @rummtata Thanks, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the mod. Unfortunately things like perks etc are part of the game executable rather than in an end-user configurable area (for example, Arcanum handles such things in text files anyone can fiddle with), so I don't think much can be done to...
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    Maps after editing

    Likely one of two things happens: 1 "I checked to make sure that the files I edited were read-only." If the files are read-only while you're editing them, your changes won't be saved. Reset all files to normal status before you start editing, then set them to read-only again once you've...
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    How to make my own combat armor?

    You probably won't get any more answers, then, as this question is addressed in dozens of other discussions in this very forum. To summarize, you need: hundreds of hours of spare time to individually paint zillions of frames of animations. There are already some nice blue, black, and brown...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    Looks like you may have a map problem in the pictured screen; the switch isn't there (it's one of the big toggle switches, like ones that usually open a gate or fence). I'll have to open the game to check the exact location (can't do that from where I'm writing this), but in the meantime you...
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    FoT Redux 1.1 Comments/Issues/Bugs

    The switches are intended as a 'safety valve' for players who, lacking skill, may need to level-up more; with the reduction of random encounters, opportunities for the usual means of getting extra xp are reduced. They're just big switches, and may blend in with the scenery. In bunker one for...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    More dialogue means a character with more depth and more interactive options (whether narrative or functional) associated with the character, so the sky's the limit on that count. Both direct conversation and situational random floating text are effective ways to express an npc's...
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    Fallout 1 & 2 skill rolls (mmmm, rolls)

    Thanks guys, those are both good ideas. Probably proving why I never pursued that career in physics, I was stuck trying to match up some scaled lines on graph paper, etc. I started thinking about this issue in regard to pickpocketing; the "steal" skill is only checked (to provoke a reaction...
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    Fallout 1 & 2 skill rolls (mmmm, rolls)

    I was looking into how "Roll vs Skill" works in FO2 and found this discussion, so rather than make a new discussion let's continue this one. Are we saying, then, that when a "roll vs skill" function occurs, it's strictly a ((skill amt >= (random 0-100)) and therefore (assuming no modifiers or...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    @FOvet Depends what you're looking for. Sometimes these things are best left to the imagination of each individual player, and writing something specific narrows rather than broadens player choice. One of the main troubles, though, is that most games are played as a male Chosen One and apart...
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    Scenery stuff and such...

    I have a Brahmin of Burden, but that's not what I wanted in this case. I decided to go with this for the doctor (a modification of Pixote's rip of FOT graphics): It's a little small on the map, but that's for the best I think (it gives the proper impression of what's going on, without being...
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    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thanks, and I hope all is well even if life is hectic. I haven't got back to actually scripting this slaver thing yet, but in the meantime my thoughts were leaning toward a more precise system as mentioned in your second paragraph above. The mvar counter can be reset to 0 on every map exit...
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    Scenery stuff and such...

    Thanks, that's pretty good, Drobovik. I think that will work if I stick a little red cross symbol on the side.
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    Scenery stuff and such...

    I'm making a travelling country physician npc who wanders between towns where there isn't a doctor (Den, Klamath, Modoc, and New Reno) in FO2. I was thinking he should have like a (scenery) Brahmin-drawn ambulance cart, or a little medical stand or something like that. I looked through all the...