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  1. J

    Tesla Cannon?!

    LOL, I sounded like an ass. There is nothing else you can repair tesla cannons with. I've tried. The only thing that works are weapon repair kits.
  2. J

    Tesla Cannon?!

    Yeah you're right... Oh wait, we're not in lala land and the only thing that can repair tesla cannons are other tesla cannons!!! :O
  3. J

    Killing Legendary Deathclaw (without relying on bugs)

    I haven't touched the game since the latest 360 patch, so I don't know what the fuck they did to the game and I can't seem to find the patch notes anywhere. I killed the LD with 3 bottlecap mines to cripple the son of a bitch and a shitload of anti-material rifle shots to the head. This was...
  4. J

    Tesla Cannon?!

    Just make sure you have a lot of weapon repair kits cuzz tesla cannons are hard to come by.
  5. J

    Has anyone else killed Caesar yet? With their own gun?

    I could own his sorry ass without breaking a sweat if I wanted to. I'm in Remnants armor with Mercy with incendiary grenades on that thing. I'll get around to it one of these days. xD
  6. J

    Making Energy Weapons work

    Energy weapons kinda pale in comparison to Guns. I have both maxed to 100, but I can't really tell a difference between using my fully repaired AM Rifle and YCC/186. The Q-35 looks pretty cool, but it feels underpowered. I end up using the multiplas rifle over it and I end up using the...
  7. J

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    I have 100 in Energy Weapons and with MF Cell OC's in my YCS/186, it does 583 DPS. I always wondered what the hell was in that Very Hard locker in that place...
  8. J


    You can have 7 INT if you take that implant. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to find every type of skill mag.
  9. J

    Tips for making the best character possible

    You can take the Weapons Handler perk, which lowers the strength requirement by 2 points, and also take that strength implant. So there shouldn't be any problems there if you're using a non-fighting character. Although you might wanna stay off I-15 past Sloan or you'll be raped by the...
  10. J

    Tips for making the best character possible

    Think for a bit here. Who is doing the DLC? Bethesda. So knowing them, they'll probably pull a Broken Steel DLC on us, raise the cap, and throw in some perks no one will give a shit about. Another 10 levels? That's 150 more skill points for me and enough to cap out more skills. I wouldn't be...
  11. J

    Tips for making the best character possible

    I'm working on creating my ultimate characters. In Fallout 3 it was too easy, but in this game it's a lot different. I have concluded that it's possible to max out 6 skills and no more. I have a couple examples of "ultimate characters" here: "Master Combatant"- Master of all forms of...
  12. J

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Just got my Remnants PA and I'm a walking tank now. xD I went to Freeside and some dumbass hits me in the back with a lead pipe. My Multiplas Rifle said hello. :)
  13. J

    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    So I'm level 20 now and finally got my EW/Guns to 100 and I'm disappointed with the anti-material rifle. My YCS out-damages it and I don't need the high strength to use it. I let Valorie use Pushy and I rarely have to do any fighting, lol.
  14. J

    [Xbox 360] Game-breaking bug in Freeside

    Don't go into Silver Rush with a companion. The mercs inside will be hostile, and if you try to reload the autosave in there it'll give you a message saying that DLC is no longer present and objects won't load. Even if you load it up anyway it'll say that the device is no longer present and...
  15. J

    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    To give you another idea of how retardedly powerful Pushy is, I took on 7 or 8 cazadors by myself with it at the same time and fucked 'em all up. And you know how hard those things hit. >_> The base attack on it on my character is in the mid-60's and my Unarmed is only 35 and my guns/EW are...
  16. J

    enough skill points to make all rounder but not mediocre?

    Not only is it balancing, but it encourages to make more characters that are good in specific areas. My character is a guns/EW type and from the quests I've done, every time I wish I had a high enough speech skill to pass those checks to see how they turn out. I really didn't wanna have to...
  17. J

    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    I'm level 14 and I've been scared shit of deathclaws. I have a good hunting rifle with AP .308 rounds and that barely does shit to them. I found this unique displacer glove called Pushy while dicking around in this mine over by Jacobstown and I can kill deathclaws in 2-3 hits with it and my...
  18. J

    Missable weapons?

    I'm not talking about the WW trait. I'm asking if there are any unique weapons in the game that can be missed and not obtained like that magnum you get from the Return to Sender quest.
  19. J

    Missable weapons?

    I know you can miss some with the WW trait, but are there quest-related ones you can miss?