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  1. J

    New Vegas debut trailer

    Can't wait to see what creatures are gonna be added. I hope they don't just copy & paste the ones from Fallout 3.
  2. J

    How Many Hours Have You Put In?

    Yes, I'll go outside in the fucking 30-degree weather and do what now? xD I play on the 360. The time spent is starting over and playing the game in different ways.
  3. J

    How Many Hours Have You Put In?

    I've put well over 1000 hours in this game.
  4. J

    Just discovered DLCs...

    It's a good thing I wasn't here around for the first two Fallouts, otherwise I might not've liked the direction Bethesda took this game. I bought this game having no expectations for it and didn't do much research on it and it blew me away when I first played it. So understand me when I...
  5. J

    Which is the best-looking Power Armor?

    LOL, too many jaded fallout fans here. Of all the designs, I'm going with the Hellfire Armor.
  6. J

    Fallout 3 mods on the Xbox

    I just looked on and saw a pre-modded 360 for $150. Beats having to throw down hundreds on a gaming PC. The way I see it, you have two 360's; one modded for offline play ( to avoid your GT from being banned ) and a non-modded to play online. If you can recommend a PC that...
  7. J

    Demon's Souls

    Sony decided to scrap backwards-compatibility on the newer systems in favor of putting all the classics on the PSN that you have to pay for. Not a bad way to milk consumers.
  8. J

    Mass Effect 2

    Fuck the reviews. If I liked the first game, chances are I'll like this one, too.
  9. J

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Yeah and makes chuck norris his bitch! xD The name "Jet" is an amalgam of almost everything related to the word 'jet' ( except for jetlag ), whether it be the plane, the martial artist, or jet currents.
  10. J

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Fallout 3 will definitely be remembered. It has its flaws, but what game doesn't?
  11. J

    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    LOL @ "I win" mode. xD I agree that the aiming is shit. I wish it was more like Borderlands. Also, the turning sensitivity on the console version is also shit. One time I got off Borderlands, which I had turning on max settings, and got onto Fallout 3. It felt so unplayable that I almost...
  12. J

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi! I'm Jet! I normally leave the '1337' out of my name, but some asshole had dibs on it first. I like Fallout and the official forums are run by nazi moderators, so that's why I've come here!
  13. J

    The New tallest building in the world

    I think everyone is missing the point here! Dubai is being pre-emptive here so when their country eventually becomes a shit 3rd-world place like it once was, they'll have this nice building to house the whole population! No one will be homeless!
  14. J

    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    LOL, you should check out the official ( and pretty gay ) forums. There's like two or three topics every day made by people who want other's opinions on what character to role-play.
  15. J

    Goo piles

    How long does it take for them to disappear?
  16. J

    New Vegas features in the Official XBox Magazine in February

    I don't think that screen is from Fallout 3. I don't remember seeing that sign anywhere.
  17. J

    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    Sorry, but I'm not an inexperienced nub who has to rely on VATS. I play this game as an FPS first, RPG second.
  18. J

    Fallout 3 is #10 in Top Ten RPGs ever for Japanese RPG fans

    The only JRPG's I ever liked was the original Wild Arms and Lost Odyssey. Final Fantasy is just garbage and 7 is very overrated. I gave that game a chance and it just bored the hell out of me. The only FF game I remotely liked was 9, and ironically many fans didn't even like that game!