Search results

  1. Kadscaner

    Any projects to rewrite Fallout 4?

  2. Kadscaner

    A blog about the real life New Vegas

    I've always wanted to visit Goodsprings and the Mojave. Even considered moving out west for a bit.
  3. Kadscaner

    Any projects to rewrite Fallout 4?

    Heres my idea of an alternate story: Bethesda sells the rights over to Obsidian and they get to properly make a Fallout game and not get fucked over by Bethesda and it's retarded & brain dead followers. /thread
  4. Kadscaner

    Thanks buddy :) Don't worry, I think you'll find a way to cope with your autism. :)

    Thanks buddy :) Don't worry, I think you'll find a way to cope with your autism. :)
  5. Kadscaner

    Finally beat the first Hotline Miami, the last boss fight took me like an hour to figure out how...

    Finally beat the first Hotline Miami, the last boss fight took me like an hour to figure out how to beat. Hopefully I get #2 soon.
  6. Kadscaner

    @R.Graves no u fag

    @R.Graves no u fag
  7. Kadscaner

    oh heck

    oh heck
  8. Kadscaner

    oh heck. I think I heard about that a while ago on some mod channel on YT.

    oh heck. I think I heard about that a while ago on some mod channel on YT.
  9. Kadscaner

    what is Fallout Atlanta?

    what is Fallout Atlanta?
  10. Kadscaner

    Everyone grows up hearing the same thing.

    Everyone grows up hearing the same thing.
  11. Kadscaner

    First Impressions on New Vegas?

    I don't remember much about my first time playing, sadly. At that point in my life I was dealing with many hardships and most of my memories of that time have been suppressed and forgotten. What I do remember of my first play through on PS3 was that I never beat it, and the only real memory I...
  12. Kadscaner

    It's creepy how much MGS2 predicted the modern day and society.

    It's creepy how much MGS2 predicted the modern day and society.
  13. Kadscaner

    oh, you! *queue generic sitcom music and laugh track*

    oh, you! *queue generic sitcom music and laugh track*
  14. Kadscaner

    Nuka Rant

    I'm replying to this just to spite you @SarcasticGoodGuy
  15. Kadscaner

    ring a ding ding baby

    ring a ding ding baby
  16. Kadscaner


  17. Kadscaner

    what if I was talking about you ;)

    what if I was talking about you ;)
  18. Kadscaner

    Return to Sierra Madre via Save Editing?

    That's the thing... you can't go back. You have to let go...
  19. Kadscaner

    everyone that I could stand god banned (@Throatpunch and @Vergil). So now I'm stuck talking to...

    everyone that I could stand god banned (@Throatpunch and @Vergil). So now I'm stuck talking to this fag.