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  1. M

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    and mikeburnfire helped out with the mod and even voiced characters. so the big mod lets players can't rally say anything bad about the frontier.
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    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    the people that are excited for a new vegas 2 now that Microsoft owns both Bethesda and obsidian are in for a surprise. no one that made new vegas besides josh still works at the company.
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    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    unless your mod really has to reference west virginia for whatever reason. i see no reason for anything from 76 to matter in a new vegas mod. it was so long ago no one should remember it's events. yeah but new vegas is clearly a sequel to 2 just as 2 is a sequel to 1 story wise. this only...
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    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    his excuse is " i'm not nostalgic towards old games." so he feels he can be more dismissive of them compared to newer ones.
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    Are the Great Khans actually descended from the original Khans (or New Khans)?

    i think it might just be another case of nv downplaying/ignoring alot of what happened in fallout 2 besides the ncr and the enclave.
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    Fallout Right After the Bombs?

    i see right after bombs fell fallout being more like mad max. all the vaults are shut so we can't explore that and alot of factions are not established yet. so going into early raider tribes could be interesting.
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    The perfect starting role?

    mabey a new concept for the "outsider"? like someone from a different state that gets to the region in the game from a caravan.
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    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    you don't need to consider 3 ,4, and 76 canon when making a mod for new vegas. i have seen the east coast mentioned in 3 mods and it tends to be very vague.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    to be fair we went off topic like 4 times. and if you look at the quest mod page on the nexus. not many come out as much any more. maybe 3 or so a year. mikeburnfire's quest pack and th3overseer's new mod the high desert both came out a month after the frontier and they were great mods.
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    Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

    there is a clear anti turn based thing going on in the rpg community. i remember around 2007 a reviewer was like " jrpgs don't need to exist anymore because we have mass effect now." modern jurnos just want shooters and nothing else as anything slower is deemed old and outdated. it's why...
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    Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

    journos have been drilling into peoples heads that new= better since the beginning. even back when 3d was new they tried pushing this narrative that 2d is now outdated and should be forgotten.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    this is why i don't really like companion mods besides eliza, charlie and russell.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    the ncr in new vegas can be seen as progressive due to the fact they allow ghouls into their ranks and most of the major people are female.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    yeah new vegas makes a big deal that allot of ncr's issues is the fact that every president after tandi was incompetent.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    the ncr is already progressive so he can't screw it up as badly as the legion.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    this is the fanbase Bethesda wants. they sterilized the fallout series so much you can't do anything thats higher then pg13 in a fucking m rated game.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i may be being too nice as i thought new vegas stories was decent. family matters pisses me off as he pretty much just ripped off the inheritance but made it boring. and new vegas capers is just bad. it feels like he just rushes his mods out. his last mod has barley any voice acting. is...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i expect it to be a mediocre story with one good quest. so like all of nazos mods.
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    Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

    " no other artistic medium is constantly dismissed by it's own community. a community that is willing to dismiss and disrespect anything that came out more then 5 years ago in favor of the more prettier flashier cinematic version."
  20. M

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    yeah he barly gets any views unless it's drama related. he is a no body in terms of the yt world.