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  1. R

    Fallout and Bethesda

    We're not the only source of income, but we're definetely the source of income that is guaranteed, provided the game is good. That's the issue right there. We're the fanbase, the core target of th Fallout games.
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    Todd doesn't get it

    He didn't actually said that combat and perspective weren't important, rather, that there were things other than combat and perspective that were important, and that I agree with. I do hope, however, that those two elements won't be neglected or mishandled.
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    Todd doesn't get it

    They can mass burn those.
  4. R

    Fallen Angel

    Not bad. I'd give it an 8 if there was a forced sex scene or some torture in there, though.
  5. R

    Fallout 3 turnbased?

    Newsflash for the perception impaired: Baldur's Gate wasn't turnbased nor semi-turnbased. Bioware's CRPGs until today have always been realtime with a pause function. There's a difference. A big one at that. Thank you, the Management.
  6. R

    Fallout 3 engine info?

    That's information about the game (Oblivion) rather than the engine itself. Those are features which are exclusive to Oblivion, not to the engine.
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    Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow

    Oh my god, an off-topic thread in the News Section!! Er, keep going :)
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    Luke Haase...Interplay desperately working on report.

    I'd find it more interesting if they would buy the Van Buren and Jefferson IPs.
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    Leonard interview@DAC

    Its impressive, but it may also shine some light on why it had so many problems.
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    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    The game doesn't even need to look better, which I don't think it particularly does. It just needs to be better than D3, and honestly, I don't think that's particularly hard to do.
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    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    Sometimes it is. No reason to deny it.
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    Leonard Q&A@Hardwired

    And realtime combat is realistic? How many real life opponents have you seen standing in their place trading shots until one falls? Things like combat speed sliders, concurrent turns and better designed areas fix most - if not all - of those so-called problems.
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    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    Why? Something thats not entirely RPG shouldn't be called an RPG. Obviously, something that only has a few similarities, that only has some aspects of comparison with something more complete, is not the same thing.
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    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    Note that I have nothing particular against Deus Ex or any other game which combines genre-specific elements into something else; this wasn't a random, angry little tirade against it. I just don't feel a hybrid should be placed at the same level as the thing which it derived from (because by...
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    Realistic Arroyo Mod

    The ten thousand bottlecaps in Broken Hills were a single item, ie, they were an item labelled as a bag with caps, not actually caps.
  16. R

    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    Interesting, because Deus Ex was primarily a shooter with very minimal RPG elements. As always, IGN seems to have incomprehensible standards backed up with amateurish vision of things. Dialogue trees in an RPG should take into account the character I'm playing. Like its sequel, all Deus Ex...
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    Leonard Q&A@Hardwired

    I prefer turnbased, but am not averse to other combat systems. The biggest problem I have with realtime with pause is how it was handled in the Infinity Engine games, mainly because it borked combat-related rules regarding the transition from turnbased to realtime. But outside that, I can...
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    What did the vault dwellers do with their dead?

    Set up a Vault Burger stand?
  19. R

    Feargus talks NWN 2, and comments on FO3

    Did he get gang-raped in an alley by Fallout fans or something? I appreciate Feargus' honesty, and barring some past things, he's an okay guy, but this is beginning to sound like either a personal agenda or just plain idiocy.
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    New VB Concept Art

    Kleenex is usually more suited for that.