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  1. R

    RPG Roundtable 5 part 2

    Jedi Knight also rocks.
  2. R

    VB Vehicle Renders II

    Curiously the buggy seems to be the one i like the most.
  3. R

    VB Vehicle Renders II

    Good idea, lets milk Sawyer for all he's worth :twisted:
  4. R

    VB Vehicle Renders II

    Ah, thanks for the explanation :)
  5. R

    Obsidian to develop Neverwinter Nights 2

    Thanks, Briosa. If you want to, i can email the *.gifs to you or something.
  6. R

    Obsidian to develop Neverwinter Nights 2

    Strangely it seems NMA can't access them now. EDIT: Oy, that explains it.
  7. R

    Feargus interview@E-Boredom

    We're not, we're just realistic :P
  8. R

    VB Vehicle Renders II

    I could trade my kidneys and one of my lungs for whatever Van Buren and Jefferson thingies JE has on his comp.
  9. R

    Obsidian to develop Neverwinter Nights 2

    Thanks. I also took inspiration from an Ernest movie flick for this one:
  10. R

    Feargus interview@E-Boredom

    Anything done by Troika kicks ass.
  11. R

    VB Vehicle Renders II

    I don't know if its the textures or the models themselves, but dont some of the vehicules look a bit... inflated?
  12. R

    Obsidian to develop Neverwinter Nights 2

    And people still have the audacity of claiming our supposed worship of Tim Cain is abhorent. Pfft.
  13. R

    Van Buren vehicles

    Wasn't it just a few weeks, or one week?
  14. R

    Van Buren news in PCZone

    You can always say that wasn't part of the cannon :)
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    Van Buren vehicles

    Just light your Lighter near its anus and WATCH THAT BRAHMIN GO!
  16. R

    Van Buren news in PCZone

    After leaving Broken Hills, Francis stumbled upon an unwashed villager who kept begging for money to support his mad cap schemes. The villager - Caen - made the error of bothering Francis one time too many, and Francis has effectively made Caen his gimp. Seems reasonable, no?
  17. R

    Troika's PA RPG shots!!

    What if he had a mental problem which made it so he could not use the same item over and over? Kinda like Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets, except instead of using more than one soap, he'd use more than one copy of the game :P
  18. R

    Van Buren vehicles

    Er, it should be obvious why Mole Rats and Deathclaws wouldn't be suitable as pack animals or used to pull carts. They're too savage. Same goes for geckos, and those you'd have to use several just to pull one cart. And even then, i'd have to say out a great 'WTH' to that one. But i do find it...