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  1. Briosafreak

    Brian Mitsoda announces DoubleBear, Zombie RPG

    All the best luck to them :ok:
  2. Briosafreak

    Fallout Trilogy selling, Interplay hiring

    Yes indeed. Mail Chris Taylor
  3. Briosafreak

    Free Fallouts in Portugal

    It's on the OEM list, that means they do get royalties.
  4. Briosafreak

    Free Fallouts in Portugal

    Poland actually has a large market Morbus, it's a huge country, the maps we use just aren't correct, because of the perspective.
  5. Briosafreak

    Free Fallouts in Portugal

    Yep I got Fallout 2 for free in an issue of the now extinct Play magazine in 98 or 99, and saw the first in another mag a couple of years ago.
  6. Briosafreak

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    BN removed the sticky
  7. Briosafreak

    Movie: Synecdoche New York

    Yeah, Eternal Sunshine is definitely a masterpiece.
  8. Briosafreak

    Moving to Beirut, Lebanon

    Find me a job there and I'll be eternally grateful :) Lebanese women, oh my :clap:
  9. Briosafreak

    Movie: Synecdoche New York

    How come I never heard of this movie?...
  10. Briosafreak

    Futurama returns!

    Ditto :)
  11. Briosafreak

    Chris Avellone Q&A

    Yep, indeed. And <3 MCA
  12. Briosafreak

    NMA The Pitt Review

    Nice read
  13. Briosafreak

    Interplay rereleases Fallout Trilogy box

    That's wrong Ausir, again Interplay teamed up with Kalysto and released this same trilogy in several European countries a couple of months ago.
  14. Briosafreak

    Interplay rereleases Fallout Trilogy box

    This was released by Kalisto in Europe last month or so, it was funny to watch old fans with kids on the gaming stores being completely puzzled when finding the boxes.
  15. Briosafreak

    Planet Fallout interviews Alan Nanes

    Yeah, pretty obvious question. And I really don't know why you were banned there, it was a complete surprise to me and I still can't get it. Only in the URL, we're completely independent from them, only reply to IGN.
  16. Briosafreak

    Planet Fallout interviews Alan Nanes

    What interview? And it's Planet Fallout, BN, not Gamespy. Oh and Happy Birthday Brother None :drunk:
  17. Briosafreak

    Bet on New Vegas

    True that