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  1. oxidize

    Evil mod for Fallout 2

    Just an idea. I think that Fallout 2, while having very open world compared to other games is still made mainly for good characters. The only really evil stuff you can do in game is becoming a slaver. I would like to see a mod in which you could do much more evil things and where you could maybe...
  2. oxidize

    M82A1 Barrett mod for Fallout2 RP 2.1.2b

    where can you buy this ammo? and what does this perk do?
  3. oxidize

    How to show grid in Fallout?

    I need to know how to do this:
  4. oxidize

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    What exactly do you mean?
  5. oxidize

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    Hey, do you know what are those scripts in f2wedit for? I don't understand that really. [/img]
  6. oxidize

    Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread

    I want to download this mod, but direct link is dead and atomic gamer link doesn't work (I can't download anything from their site; dunno why) Can someon give me alternative link pls?
  7. oxidize

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    and this is all working with RP and YAAM ? I want to make lasers do more damage and some other stuff, but I also want to have AP ammo do the proper damage Also I want to make Bozar like it was suppose to be, a sniper instead of machine gun...
  8. oxidize

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    I found this awesome tool that lets you change weapon or ammo as you wish so I was wondering will Restoration project or YAAM mods work with this? I mean, can I change some weapon in this and still play with those mods?
  9. oxidize

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2: Weapons Redone v2.3

    I think Bozar needs to have bigger range than 36... Bozar is the ultimate sniper rifle, it is made after Barret gun: which has a range about 2km. So I don't understand why did Magnus put an ordinary sniper rifle that shoots .223 FMJ...