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  1. G

    About the annexation of canada

    Hey dont forget the beginning of the sentence! :D But maybe i expressed myself wrongly. Basicly the guy (the OP?) asked why did the fallout US conquered canada since they don't need to in the real world, they can have canada support and ressources without conquering it. If the designers...
  2. G

    About the annexation of canada

    I think the guy answered himself already. Without that they wouldn't be any story. The annexion of canada is there to show us how different the america of the game is, ultranationalistic and achieving the panamerican dream the brutal way. An america that would have taken all the bad...
  3. G

    New animations 2

    Sure, just post it here, I will transmit it. We should make a place where everyone could upload their unfinished projects, so there isn't any work made in double. :D Anyway, here is the link with the work made by PowerMagic:
  4. G

    Talking Heads

    Sweet... Kinda reminded me of Björk in one of her clip, hunter i think. About the voice, if I may do one suggestion, there is this fallout machimina made by Drakortha; some of the voices actors in his team are very good, as good as you can have in an unprofessional project, if you ask me...
  5. G

    New animations 2

    Speaking of girls in leather, that reminded me of a project I saw long time ago in the I went to check on it, and it seems that it is still alive and kicking! Yep, it's the two sleeves leather jacket, (or is it the combat leather one?) from PowerMagic. It seems there is only...
  6. G

    New animations 2

    Ha ha ! I had totally forgotten about it. Then a female should be around too, maybe in a newer version of the pack. If the previous poster wont post his version i could probably do it. But I dont really like it. I think we need a lighter blue. If it was the same methode than me, then the 2...
  7. G

    Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

    It wasn't meant to be personal. The world is divided into two categorie, the modders (who mode) and the players (who do nothing exept complain about everything and know nothing). Chose your side. :D No, joke aside, I learnt and got inspired a lot by checking the maps and files of Dominion...
  8. G

    New animations 2

    You mean the grey CA? it's in the repository, under the hero male categorie. Otherwise, well, I don't know.
  9. G

    New animations 2

    Mmm, nope, it was before i had the script, i guess I used a similar method that X'il but with gimp. A blue male combat armor would be sweet indeed.
  10. G

    Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

    Mmm, maybe it is because you come from a small country, and everyone there speak english as a second langage, but in the "big countries", a very small percentage of the population speak english well enough to play in it directly, let alone program, or create elaborate dialogue. So it's only...
  11. G

    Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

    It's great! It's fucking great! I thought they were exctinct some times ago.... Now thats the kind of news i like to read. Ah ah, a black vault boy! Hope they make a translation soon. I think you are refering to some of the vehicules, who kinda look out of place... Well thats true, i hope...
  12. G

    New animations 2

    I fear the repository is the only place to find it right now. Sure, no pb. Yep, nice find on this dark blue. My only concern is that it still has the brown pixel on the armor, so I cant use it to make armor with lighter color. But as such it really is a nice set of armor. Now where can...
  13. G

    "Fallout: Shattered Destiny 2" announcement

    Funny, it happened to me on my first play, I thought it was retaliation for winning at the russian roulette, so on my second play I didn't do it, and didn't asplode, but that's maybe not linked. I remember a message saying my stomach was tigling or something and "boum". Probably a script gone...
  14. G

    New animations 2

    I did some work on the blue CA once, but i messed up because of the transparent blue. Still I used it to make a black and a red brown CA. They are blocked on the disk of a non working pc, but I will get them out of there sometime. Here is the screen with the redbrown CA...
  15. G


    Ha ha ha ! Seriously, when the lawsuit war is ended, you should make a handbook and submit it to the winner as the concept art of a futur fallout anime...
  16. G

    Interplay SEC filing on court filing

    Yeah, I dont know, despite my dislike of Bethesda's work, they are the one that resurected fallout, with them, there is a chance that we get one Obsidian fallout for each new fallout that beth makes... Herve's Interplay hold the license for 10 years without doing anything with it except...
  17. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Wonderful! This is like christmas in advance guys! Thanks for the hard work everybody!