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  1. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Fantastic! Could you maybe make moar commodities in the same style? Like, same thing but without the tv, or some bookcase?
  2. G

    New animations 2

    I use Gimp too, I think I can help you with that. Thoses black pixels are actually blue pixels that you take when you copy with the "smooth" (or "other name, shading"). It's apparently on default with gimp. You then past those slighly different blue on the background, when converted in frm...
  3. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I guess it depends how it's made, if done right you wouldn't even notice it. But yeah, I guess the moral cheapness will still taint my soul! :D Noooo! You are making "a rule" of you own now! First the vault speak only of domestic cats in the US, not all catkind. Second, I think this is...
  4. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    - Now you are being cheap. I just wanted to prove my point of same graphic team. Some of the arts of arcanum is way more fallouty than the ones from fallout tactic btw. -What? The world of fallout is way bigger than the Den. You must be a dog person.:P -If I have a good reason to, instead of...
  5. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Look at the inventory arts! Hell the bullets are exactly the same! (some factory walls too) A book remains a book whatever the game, a cat from BG is not that different from a cat for fallout. The flamer looks cool enough, and some other stuff too. As for the statue, they are screaming to become...
  6. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Yep, it's the machine in the temple at the beginning of the game. Some arcanum stuff can be plundered, like some inventory arts, some books, matches, ID cards... Some statues too, if I remember correctly... :wink: After all, it's the same artistic team! One day I will try a pass a them. But...
  7. G

    Fallout Remakes

    Ho, come on, I am not that far off :D He took a word out of context, elaborate, deviate, then makes methaphore and metaphoric poetic fallouty allusion! 4too style! Eh, hum, back to topic. Yeah, about this thread, I thought it was just to spam us with the link in the banner, but there is...
  8. G

    Real sources for the Fallout Universe

    I think you are not giving enought credit to the players, especially the fallout fanbase. If the dev had tried to sell a 60s flower power to the players, with a lsd hippie intro, and tell them it was a 50s, believe me, they would have known something was off. The players buy it because it's...
  9. G

    Fallout Remakes

    Did we commanded another 4too ? :shock:
  10. G

    New animations 2

    Like everything in fallout, it's not a question of hard but of how much more time. If you don't put the masked head, you can use the time to put the hat. I guess I leave the robe to you guys, i think I might do the tribal boxer green pants in the mean time. Anyway X'il, if you do the Thycho...
  11. G

    New animations 2

    I am not sure about it yet, I havent worked with new colors for some time now, need to check it out. :D
  12. G

    New animations 2

    Cause for most of the critters, it ain't really needed. Well except for the CA maybe. But making a blue CA with coloring would be the same as making a mask. For the rest, I d say you'r better off with automatic recoloring. Even if i must admit, I don't think I could do what the Grim made with...
  13. G

    New animations 2

    Ah, you mean you are doing this manually, one by one? Then you just need to saturate the range of the purple color, I don't know how to do it with the toshop, but maybe X'il knows?
  14. G

    New animations 2

    If you want i can reupload this pack too. Then you just have to rename the robe of the color you want to the name of the purple one, and replace it into the game. Just give me a little week. But remember this is old work... I think you nailed it quite good, I always screwed up with the...
  15. G

    Real sources for the Fallout Universe

    Sure, I was just teasing you :wink: Yeah, I agree. First because the world the people of the 50' imagined was indeed a futuristic world, but it was still the 50'. Like the future world we imagine for 2060 still is the 2000 world, even if with futurist element. The advertising for example...
  16. G

    New animations 2

    I made the dark robe (the hubologist one) manually some long times ago, about at the same time i made the CA, the old link is dead but it is somewhere on my disk, I will try to find it again. Ha ha, good old times. :) In another pack I also made a orange one a white one, a light blue one, a...
  17. G

    Real sources for the Fallout Universe

    People are people. It doesn't mean that everybody shared the exact same thought, but they were all influenced by the feeling of the time : cold war, science!, science fiction, politics... They all share the same paradigm (or Weltanschauung, since you'r german). Of course the scientists and the...
  18. G

    Talking Heads

    This is the incarnation of fallout awesomeness. I place it at the same level as the Lynette head. I am going to test it with one "old" talking head, just to see it moving and talking. Hey Killap! we need a voice with that fellow now! :D
  19. G

    scripting tutorials?

    Send them to hell! :twisted: WHo need a job anyway? Ok, I wish you luck, I just hope you will go on with the tutorial writing from time to time, the last one was really helpful, I never did really understood this trader thing... :D
  20. G

    Talking Heads

    So this is him neutral right? No fucking way I ask him in my party, am too scared of him! How could Stark be brave enought to fuck with him? :shock: