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  1. G

    New animations 2

    Hey I remember these armors from long long time ago, I wasn't even registered yet! I think they were from Hotel California, in the first graphic thread... Yeah, about that, it seems the russian fellows made almost all the animation for the girl with two sleeves, except the spear/police...
  2. G

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    I agree, most new model are made with 3D software then converted into fallout frm. But most of the times, there is often the need to rework on some details with the converted frm as basis. For exemple here, I would maybe burn a little those with walls with some toshop love to make it look older...
  3. G

    New animations 2

    They are gold and blue/greenish ants in this thread, but no black ones. But maybe I only dreamed about them? edit: Arf no, I didn't : made by a german named sklif, posted here by M.Wolna. Does someone still have this?
  4. G

    New animations 2

    Does someone still have those black ants i remember seeing somewhere a while ago? Where they any good? I could have a use for it... :D
  5. G

    New animations 2

    I don't care if as npc or hero appearance, but I WANT this chick in the game!
  6. G

    Talking Heads

    Please feed the noob! Does this mean we can use image with more than 228 colors ? If yes, how do you do it? I mean if i remember correctly, you need to convert the head in frm. What's the correct procedure, beside having the last sfall version installed?
  7. G

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    This is reaaaally sweet!
  8. G

    New animations 2

    This is just a suggestion concerning the bald dude : Maybe you should consider letting "little hands" doing the grunt work that doesn't require any complex work : I mean all the XB animation can be done at the same time by the same person without having to work on the head, it's a simple matter...
  9. G

    New animations 2

    Lynette is basicly my favorite character in fallout 2. Sadly, this critter is still at the exact same point as when i wrote the thread and isn't even on my "do some frames sometimes" list. Half of the blue color phase is done. If you want to help complete it (recoloring is the easy part), that...
  10. G

    Scripting/Mapper questions

    I never modded Fallout, so I wouldn't know for sure, but I think the .map are in the same format, but that the script and proto lists are slightly different, making it impossible to put a F1 map into F2 engine without some heavy cleansing/reorganising. That's what Jordan worked on for a while...
  11. G

    Scripting/Mapper questions

    If i remember correctly, (its been a long time),after you reference your new critter in the .lst file, just edit the brotherhood armor with the mapper : Click item, browse until you find it, click on it (on the toolbar, not in a map. Put the names (male and female) of your citter as written in...
  12. G

    New animations 2

    I think the problem is that fallout come from the post 3D era, so there is very few people around here that know anything about 3D. Everybody can learn to copy and paste. But I don't see myself learning 3D software and do stuff. :D Ok, I have'nt been able to do much work on the...
  13. G

    Talking Heads

    How do you converse a model in 228 colors anyway?
  14. G

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Funny, I already use the loaded one! Poster are a great way to create a new feeling, but because of the reduction of size and quality, not all of them are good... For example, I don't like the posters of New Reno, some of them look like hanged shit. On the other hand, the new ones from...
  15. G

    New animations 2

    Yep! It's good! When you are finished with this set, you should be able to make the I submachinegun one very easily, juste past the H model on it and rub to make the gun appear. To show off, we use titanium, also very useful to browse your critter Just put your frm...
  16. G

    Talking Heads

    Let's not go back there shall we? Now THIS is BUSINESS! It's beautiful, really, so much fallout 1! When can we expect the full thing? :D
  17. G

    New animations 2

    If there are some guys looking for model to work on, why don't you take the goodfella/bouncer one? I am the slow working type, and will probably have my hands full with the made man for one or two months anyway... It's extremely easy, you just need to download the pack with the black jumpsuit...
  18. G

    See the equiped weapon when running

    Meh! I wish good luck to the one that would make the running with a minigun animation. :D
  19. G

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    I am still a big fan of your art, specially the AK 112s and the mac. Concerning the last addition, I am not sure this rifle is appropriate for an automatic, it always will be the hunting rifle for me. Can you maybe transform the wood into plastic (black)? Just to check? :D
  20. G

    New animations 2

    Thanks everybody, I finished the sw rifle animation today, and I hope to complete the rest of the SW direction (the tricky ones, falling, getting up, stimpack) this weekend, then I will think about making the tommy gun, maybe the gun too. Concerning the fitting in the wasteland setting, I...