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  1. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Thanks, the burn tool was what I was looking for. Not so sure myself, 3 or 4, something like that :D About the tiles I mean the old ones, that goes with these babies and that you already posted, I don't think the link is still valid. (the green grass tiles from the Rp 2 are off limit...
  2. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I figured I post this question here instead of the vanburen thread, even if it's car related. So, I made this 2CH charleston of the retrofuture for a mod of mine, but I need some help with ... the rust ! Cause it doesn't seem to have survived a nuclear war right now, so dear Mr Contie, tell us...
  3. G

    Fallout and a food system

    Maybe it's possible to make one item (bread) usable 5 times, so it would be possible to simulate the weight of 0.2?
  4. G

    'Error loading cities'

    If this other fix doesn't work and you just want to modify some maps and not create new ones, try just removing the data/data directory. Just dont forget to put it back there after you are done
  5. G

    Van Buren Resources Exported!

    This is great! Maybe now fallout can get the diversity it deserves, like brand new buildings for San francisco and the bunker thing would be great for navarro instead of the regular vault walls...
  6. G

    i want help with scripting

    Mmm, sorry, I didn't read endocore's post entirely. I had indeed the same problem as you long time ago, but using ruby-1.6.8 fixed that. If it persists, you might want to use watcom instead.
  7. G

    i want help with scripting

    Did ruby comes with noid compiler? If no, did you download the oldest version possible of ruby? I remember that I had some problem with the newest ones...
  8. G

    Asking for your Fallout inspiration and ideas

    Not a main plot but maybe an interestin location: What about people living in a concentration camp, raised and born in it for so long that they don't even know that the outside world exist, and how it could look like. The predecessors of the director of the camp would have built it after the...
  9. G

    Fallout 50% off on GOG

    But only the one that has been sold as fallout trilogy, right? Beside, I don't think they care that much about the money made by the previous fallout. For them it's only a way to put pressure on Interplay. The real battle is about the right to make a fallout mmo
  10. G

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    This is a fucking great day in the history of Fallout... So full of new stuff! THANK YOU KILLAP ! ! !
  11. G

    Scripting npc interactivity over long periods of time

    This is really advanced scripting, my respect to you sir. We need more people like you, or we need you doing more work! Did you also add penalty point if the player force her to prostitute herself, or if the player sleep with someone else, or if the player has cat's paw item? I think they...
  12. G

    Fallout World 2077 Map

    Since we are speaking about influence zone, I would put turkey in blue, not in yellow! Mongolia would be in red, so would Vietnam and Laos and cuba and Ethiopia, probably a lot of other asian states and some african states too. Albanian , Cambodia and Somalia would be rose. Yougoslavia and...
  13. G

    The Boneyard moved?

    I have always pictured the change in the coast line as being caused by the craters of big nuclear bombs. The craters would then have been filled with sea water. Seems probable since the crater to the right of LA correspond to a naval military base, and the one to the left to Malibu. Maybe the...
  14. G

    New animations 2

    I am quite impressed and also eager to get my hand on the files... Of course the difficult ones are the one with no model to base your work on; the big weapons and rifle. If I may give you an advice pixote, (if you want to finish the animation), it would be to work with the savage/rifle from...
  15. G

    New animations 2

    Didn't a project started something like that some times ago? Does someone knows what happened with it?
  16. G

    Van Buren Resources Exported!

    Yeah, I support that! The big kitty or the radtoad would be my favorite. I have no Idea how to do it, but i suppose it involves a lot of cutting :D ? Lexx already implanted the maps from F1 into fonline... :D Idon't know if it changed but if I remember correctly, the fonline mapper is an...
  17. G

    Change the text color?

    Arf! Too bad, i kinda suspected something like that when i saw the text letters weren't frm. Thanks anyway.
  18. G

    Change the text color?

    Yeah, thanks, I found 6 or so probable font files, but i am not very experienced with hex thingy, i suppose i have to find some XXX code that say 'write in green!" and replace it with a code that means "write in red!!" If someone knows more on the "how to do it!', well i'd be grateful...
  19. G

    Change the text color?

    I know this is gonna sound like heresy, but is there any way to change the green color of the text to a new one?
  20. G

    cryofluids "New Reno break"

    Holy FUCK! Thats brilliant! He really surpass himself everytime! For the one who never lurked into the fonline section, Cryofluid also draw a comic about his life as a member of a gang in fonline, the Orphan's chronicle. Cryofluid is the one with cyborg eyes I guess...