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  1. G

    Handmade Weapons Mod for F2

    There was some work on the crossbow animation made by wild quwerty a long time ago for the jumpsuit, but I dont remember how much work was done...I don't know if someone still has the files for it. I like the new graphic btw, I think i will use the sniper rifle... But I prefer the zip gun I...
  2. G

    The DC Chronicles (New Series)

    The DC Chronicles Ep 5 " Megaton Recruitment" has been released... The plot is still a lot more interesting than the whole fallout 3 game... If Beth ever make a fallout 4, they better hire this guy as lead designer. The angle of view...
  3. G

    Planning the Demise of Buddhism

    alec wrote: Hell, yeah! We could have a book, where the reason would be defined, and the more reasonable people would explain to other what it means, we would meet in place to discuss about it, that we would call temple of Reason, and we would crush any other that oppose us! Ha ha !
  4. G

    Van Buren Resources Exported!

    Wow, the mine stuff are really impressive, and could be reused pretty quickly! As for the wood container stuff, it look like a little bucket that has been magically made bigger, (and the pump look a huge radio...) Can you even imagine the size of the tree needed to make that kind of plank...
  5. G

    Stargate: Universe - Your thoughts?

    Mmm, spoilers ahead? A surprise attack, a spaceship lost in space in the way to earth, a megalomaniac doctor, an hallucination priest who says God has a plan, the search of water... Now why do I have the impression I already seen this show? Only difference so far in this cheap imitation...
  6. G

    Mod Idea (any Dark Tower fans out there?) [Slowly going fwd]

    Congats ! You have done the worst part! Just the longest one to do now! If I can make a suggestion, you should use these walls for Gilgalad (or whatever the castle was named). Continum released a more modern version of this one, but you probably need the one looking like a castle...
  7. G

    New critter animations - Stoner dude [WIP 3D->2D]

    Mmm, must be a question of reference. I will give the blue shirt and red tie a go, for the lulz. But I was more thinking of this : In the current time, I had in mind a special encounter with the two guys in a cinematic with the dialogue...
  8. G

    New critter animations - Stoner dude [WIP 3D->2D]

    The pants and the hat are great, i like the gun too. But the other are right, the white of the shirt is just too white, it just dont blend with the other colors of fallout. When you are done with this one, any chance I can interest you in some "gone with the blastwave" model?
  9. G

    Long Hair Dude

    Nah come on, it aint THAT hard :D You just need one manip to change all metal armor mk1 into brahmin or rat armor... There are what, 8 armors (mk1,mk2, combatleather...)? Its just that my mapper dont want to go past the bluerobe, but I have a nasty configuration so I don't know if its...
  10. G

    Long Hair Dude

    Mmm, I have never understood what the numbers are for... The first one seems to be the number of the model, but they have given up on using it it seems... The number of a model is its line number actually. Unless I am wrong, sfall will help you only for the start appearance, each time you put...
  11. G

    The DC Chronicles (New Series)

    Your chronicles make me see fallout 3 in a far more enjoyable way than the game itself did. In fact I wished the game would have been more like in your videos... Caravans with more than one guard and one brahmin, the deathclaw as legendary monsters, the harsh wasteland where you are not...
  12. G

    Shocking FOOL non-news

    Same here, even if I am a fonline addict, the nature of a mmorpg, with lots of different people, different way of playing, tend to destroy the fallout spirit, at least the idea I have of it. But it is still an interesting experience, I am not sure Fool can do better. In fact, since it is a...
  13. G

    FOnline: 2238 announced

    I think you had a bad start last time, and that now you worry too much. In the first beta, i died more than 30 times in less than a week, I still had one of the best roleplay experience in an internet game that made it worth it. Roleplay comes with the interaction with others (friend as well as...
  14. G

    FOnline: 2238 announced

    Fonline 2238 has a level cap of 20, or so, wich can be reached after one week, maybe two. After that, many of those who play to become an überplayer will transfer to The Life after, that doesn't have a level cap, allow the player to get the PowerArmor and badass weapon.(correct me if I am wrong)...
  15. G

    Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

    Yep, the fact that you can complete the story (whatever the size) makes it really fun. btw, the first time I played, after a little while in the shelter, I... exploded... And i have no idea why... I never hapened to me the others times... Any Idea what was the reason? :D Ho, and you...
  16. G

    Super Mutants... Eat... People?

    i think the ghoul of Metropolis are said to be inclined to eat other peoples flesh and brain, but I am pretty sure the west coast supermutants don't eat people. First, even if the dumb mutants would maybe have liked it, the inteligent mutants like Lou and the others that kept a part a them...
  17. G

    Total Recall, remake, coming soon...(2010)

    I just watched Total recall for the first time recently, and I can't see what they could make better... I particulary enjoyed the fights, which don't look like the same Kungfu gymnastic we have to put up with since Matrix... What, seriously? Actually, I might enjoy a new "V" series... I...
  18. G


    OK, I just made a little visit to the fonline forum, were our russian friends seems to have made some graphics of their own too. There were too much for me to list all the authors and stuff, so I show here some of them, if you want to know more, go to the fonline forum, Ideas and suggestion...
  19. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Wow. Just wow. The graphic guys from Bis are pussies compared to you Continuum! :D Imagine Golgotha with your art instead of the original ones...
  20. G


    You can download gimp, it's almost as good as Photoshop, but it's free (and legal).