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  1. brfritos

    Rage Released

    Humm..I'm a big fan of iD shooters as they are very competent in this department, but I start to have serious doubts about the company with Doom 3, wich was linear to the bone and boring, and Quake 4, wich was a re-canned version of Quake 2 (but Quake 4 was fun to play at least). But the...
  2. brfritos

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    Well, say no more... The armors are all good, but depends of your build and strategy. I'm playing LR with my EW build, secondary using melee and some proficiency in explosives for using mines and grenades (not the weapons). I'm using Sierra Madre Reinforced + Space Suit Helmet + Mobius...
  3. brfritos

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    Finally entered the Divide and Ulysses granted me without saying I'm aligned with somebody else. For this I was Mixed with NCR and neutral with the Legion and Strip. I didn't killed House yet nor did NCR quests in the game, I'm planning to folow the Independent Vegas. LR is a strange kind of...
  4. brfritos

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    Wait, the 40mm grenade launcher is a low tier weapon? If so, why the steep requirement? It's a middle tier weapon, has the same stats of Thump-thump, deals the same damage, but fires too slow (wich is a contradiction because is automatic). Every time I see the grenade launcher I wonder the...
  5. brfritos

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    Do you think? I've found much easier to use them outside of VATS, specially if you want to use cover and/or make them bounce off. I have real problems with grenades when picking Heavy Ho! perk on the other hand. Usually I don't use VATS and when using it with explosives accuracy and hitting...
  6. brfritos

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    I think this can be said of almost every weapon that balance damage, DPS and rate of fire equally. Knock- Knock requires melee/unarmed perks to be trully usefull, otherwise is better stick to Oh Baby!; Christine sniper rifle is rather "meh" if you don't have high luck and high guns, you will be...
  7. brfritos

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Hate? Nah, I don't hate the new generation. I remember Carmack and Romero at one time complaining about the new devs when the first Quake was being developed, saying they didn't played the classic games and therefore they don't know exactly what was tryed and worked and what it didn't. It's...
  8. brfritos

    Things we learned from New Vegas

    109) A tourniquet made with some seeds of buffalo gourd can cure poison and make you immune to it.
  9. brfritos

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Is actually a - sad - joke. If I remeber correctly the devs behind XCOM said that, the iso view and the strategy behind it are "old" and new generation want something new. Like FPS. :facepalm:
  10. brfritos

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Thank you for the rape Brother None. :| Also the gameplay seems to be everything like the original game, isn't? Awfull music. :evil:
  11. brfritos

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Well, the roman empire was build on top of slavery and lasted 1000 years. The british empire utilized employees and lasted 200 years. That's something to think about it, isn't? Also, ancient civilizations did had technology. The egyptians didn't had cranes, draglines or heavy machinery...
  12. brfritos

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    I wouldn't call FNV "easy" but the learning curve and therefore how to exploit the game is more easier than F1/F2, no doubt about that. But there are some valid complains in the thread. Skills and perk requirements for example are very low, with some exceptions. I mean, if you discovered a...
  13. brfritos


    Please, don't even try man, karma is very stupid in NV the same way it was in FO3 and the whole concept is lame and revolting. Kill everyone in Goodsprings, then go killing those Powder Gangers between you and Primm, then kill everyone at the town, then kill those Vipers on the way to Mojave...