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  1. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    This type of thing let me really down. I mean, other "great" games that had fun MP but poor SP experiences were C&C Renegade and Hellgate: London. So that's what ME has turned into... :(
  2. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I'm disappointed because the smokescreen scenario is screaming too loud. Even if they change the mass relays and Normandy fate, as well providing explanations for the subsequent fate of other races, the whole segment of "Priority: Earth" basically don't make sense and is dumb as hell. For...
  3. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Well, think of this way people, at least you don't need to bother to spend money on DLC to see if it will worth or add something in the game... :roll: At least the firsts ones were good, what a shame end a trilogy this way. So long Bioware/EA...
  4. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    This is simply gold, I'm telling you...GOLD! Look what Blizzard did for April's fool: "Multiple endings, each influenced by your choices and color-coded for your convenience! (Further epic endings planned for post release as downloadable...
  5. brfritos

    Obsidian to Co-Develop Wasteland 2 if $2.1M is hit

    But depending the person involved in the project you can really expect good things. Common, you are saying to me that having Lionel Messi on my team is superfulous and doesn't count! :shock: :P Now I'm really excited by the prospect of MCA + Fargo = Wasteland 2 win.
  6. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Oh, I'm very aware of that, ME borrowed A LOT of it's content from past sci-fi movies, books and art. But in the first games you have the ideas taken but developed in her own way. This time they even borrowed entire dialogs from the ST:NG series! Concerning the decisions they never have too...
  7. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Well, a lot of people actually thinks that Start Trek (2009) is a great movie wich surpass the original series and Next Gen, so why they wouldn't support this kind of thing? Perhaps William "7" Somerset wasn't entirelly wrong, maybe apathy is a solution, isn't? :roll: And since we are...
  8. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    There are some things on the document that appears to be geek nerd rage, contrary to the statement, but other things are trully well spotted. [spoiler:edb0a18d08] If the Citadel belongs to the god-child, why he doesn't stoped Shepard on the first episode? His "solution" therefore would...
  9. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Just to put a perspective for you, it disregards most elements of the narrative as well tossin' aside the game's own conclusions and decisions. You are being polite calling it anticlimatic.
  10. brfritos

    Brian Fargo on multiplayer, DLC and quest compasses

    Really looking foward to see the game, seems very interesting. I never played the first one, so please, excuse my ignorance and punch me lighter if you must. And Fargo really blew up my mind, finally, a complete game to play since the lauch date without the needing to pay for DLC.
  11. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Most of the articles on Forbes are writen by contributors, not employees. On the other side, most of them also discuss the economic scenario of game's industry, so they are not all out of the place. But people need to pay attention, Bioware is in full PR damage control. As for the game...
  12. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I find curious that a media company that has nothing to do with games and other form of arts, is actually one of the few that makes sense in these whole mess that Bioware created. As for the EMS, I've found disappoiting they don't impact in the battle in London, it would be a great thing...
  13. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    ME3 endings are broken, that's the right word, but people aren't using it don't know why. Really, the end contradicts a BIG portion of information passed in ME1, ME2 and also in ME3. What happens when a mass relay is destroyed, for example? So why Shepard are even having the final...
  14. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Well they copy FEAR's style when Shepard is dreaming, so why not? Anybody viewed the video from CNN? The "better part" is when the host says that games are from children and teenagers of 14/15 years old, in wich the reviewer corrects her - much to her own surprise - that the average gamer's...
  15. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    You know, this is sad actually, the game has very great moments but the end ruined all. The mission on Tuchanka is really great and dependable of your decisions in previous games, it really brings weight. The Quarian x Geth conflict could have a better development, specially regarding...
  16. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I don't have the money to buy the game right now and also I think the price is too high, so I'm playing in my brother's house, he ordered the CE. I still have the impression the Prothean DLC is nothing more than content cutted from the game, but you are right, he has some very good dialogs...
  17. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I noted this too. There's a thread in BSN demanding a polished in the endings because of certain events, like space magic, people being teleported instantly to Normandy, glare contradictions to the lore, among other thinigs. But the bulk of the complains are about dating characters, rewriting...
  18. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Well, well now people discovered that the Prothean squadmate and all his lines are present in any ME3 version, being normal ones or CE. You don't make the mission on Eden Prime, you don't have all the personal armors and weapons that comers with the DLC, but the character and his conversation...
  19. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Nice find, I agree with the review in almost everything and my personal score is exactly the same, 8.5/10. Is not a bad game, but it could be miles better and definitely worth at least some plays.
  20. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Actually this is very funny if you think about it. Missions that contain "Priority: whatever" are better done by the last possible order! Only this way you don't lock too many missions.