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  1. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    UHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But at least I think this time you won't get a mail telling you this.
  2. brfritos

    Ubisoft forbids changing your own hardware!

    This just gets better and better... You know, I'm starting to think that Cory Doctorow is not entirelly wrong about his views on copyright and copyleft. The main point is not trying to protect the intellectual property of artists or to boost profits for companies, but to create restrictions...
  3. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Actually there's a lot of concerns about ME3, I'm too a little cautious about what Bioware is doing with the saga. Cautious, not pessimist, let me reinforce that. This doesn't mean the game is automatically crap, but I understand the pessimism around the third installment. The first game...
  4. brfritos

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Not really cancelled

    No, you are not alone my dear padawan! :cool: You described the game exactly, is boring, boring, boring. I was expecting having to fight for my survival in a post apocaliptic Moscow, instead I have a linear shooter with every location looking like the next one. The metro portion bores you...
  5. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I don't know, I'm not THAT pessimist like the rest of you guys. Some features confirmed by the devs includes: - XP system goes back to ME1 (almost like they say). - weapons and armors can be fully customized regarding aesthetics and functionality - more complex skill tree - powers will...
  6. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    It's interesting that this particular battle in ME2 contradicts in every way what you've said. The battle depends more of your strategy and how you move your "pieces" on the battelfiled, like a chess game, than Shepard skills. You have lots of different ways to fight and the battle is hard...
  7. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Horizon! Good call, now that's a example of a brilliant designed level. Is in the transition from the beginning to middle, has great spots for firing and interesting waves of enemies. Sheppard and his/her team began to become powerfull, but they aren't yet overpowered, so the battle is...
  8. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Well, you can call me "older" - wich I am BTW, but I prefer old fart - but I died a number of times when playing ME1 for the first time on very hard setting (hardcore) during the beginning of the game, specially when going to Feros. That damned skyway! :) Of course after a number of times...
  9. brfritos

    Fashionably Late: Fallout: New Vegas

    If people join the Legion the NCR becomes a antagonist, right? So how the game don't have antagonists? :roll:
  10. brfritos

    J.E. Sawyer releases his own Fallout: New Vegas mod

    I don't know man, there's good things on his mod. I give you credit because all of his modifications already exist in a number of mods, but is nice to have all of this in one place. For example, I play with PN, but I only use the rebalance module with some changes in only some settings. I don't...
  11. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    No!!! What they did to Wrex? From the latest trailers it seems the combat looks very solid in ME3, but... What the hell they did to Wrex? Krogans wear scars with pride! :cry:
  12. brfritos

    Female armor in video games

    I finish playing Alice: Madness Returns the other day, I liked the game. I liked more McGee's vision than the gameplay, wich is somewhat repetitive, but the art and story are superb. Does she count?
  13. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    HL series are still good to this day, wonderfull games. The first one is still strong and the first expansion (Opposing Force) is extremelly good to play. The second is simply marvellous. Still waiting for the third though. Comon Valve, don't keep us waiting too much! Since we're now in...
  14. brfritos

    Female armor in video games

    Like... More muscles, more weapons, more big dick, if you pardon my language? My point is that men and women all have predefined roles in videogames, wich is boring. Very few ones make really believable characters of both genres or at least fun ones. And I'm not talking about realism...
  15. brfritos

    Female armor in video games

    Yes, because male soldiers, heroes and alike are all very realistic in games. Please... :eyebrow:
  16. brfritos

    Old World Blues wins 'Best DLC' award at IGA 2011

    Concerning the enemies respawn rate in OWB, I agree with you, they are simply boring and screwed up things badly. There's a mod on Nexus that solves the respawn rate, the DLC becomes much more enjoyable to play. But the landscape? I loved the grim terrain, it reminds me some planets you...
  17. brfritos

    GSC Gameworld is shutting down; no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    But F2 has better controls, an engaging setting (but not better than F1) and better gameworld reaction, is not a PoS regarding F1. And I AM one of those BTW, I like F1 more than F2. Actually you are right, thinking now we would have seen the best of both worlds in F3, the good story and...
  18. brfritos

    Bioware/Victory Games C&C: Generals 2

    Well, the past of EA decisions regarding the C&C frenchise is hardly commendable. They refurbish RA2, "updated" the graphics, put some bimbos disguised as 'soldiers', recanned the story and rebranded the game as RA3. I hope they don't do the same with Generals. Unless they put a...
  19. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I don't know, I liked the first a lot more than the second, specially because the story. Maybe is just me, but I liked the gameplay of Bioshock more, even with his inconsistencies. I'm replayiong now Raptor - Call of the Shadows 2010 edition from GoG. :)
  20. brfritos

    GSC Gameworld is shutting down; no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    I wasn't too much into STALKER, in fact I stopped the game two times before finishing it, one when entering "Garbage" area and another one in "Agroprom", it bored me. Only after I rethinking my strategy - damn guards and beasts! :lol: - I was able to properlly end the game. I liked the story...