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  1. brfritos

    Our children is our future...

    On the other hand... Man, is hard to make a Berserker playthrough, most of the good XP quests gives you A LOT of good karma, so you can't do them and this makes level up a lot harder too. I'm not talking about slaughtering everyone in a town - this is dumb, not evil - but most quests don't...
  2. brfritos

    Who else really enjoyed the bullet crafting?

    I understand what you mean, but think positive: at least you can use the PageUp/PageDown keys. :) Food in the game is ok in the beginning and a waste later in the game. I mean, I play on a PC and don't own a console, so I don't know if the controller is precise enough for real timing sniping...
  3. brfritos

    Our children is our future...

    ...or not.
  4. brfritos

    Who else really enjoyed the bullet crafting?

    But then you can say the same thing about the entire inventory manipulation in NV/FO3, because they suck hard. The problem with ammo crafting in the game is not being able to make AP rounds, unless you use a mod. Like Dead Guy said, some quests for unlocking the AP crafting for some weapons...
  5. brfritos

    J.E. Sawyer on FO3/NV save game-related slowdowns

    You are cruel, man... ...but fair. :cool:
  6. brfritos

    Is there a key to highlight all pickable items?

    Hey, I'm playing F1 again after ages and in F2 with hihgh resoltuion patches and sfall this was already included. Thanks a bunch for updating the file again. :)
  7. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Luck and gameplay questions

    Yes, but that's what is curious, with a high luck I have a easier time lockpicking, disabling traps and repairing than with 5 or 6 luck. What you say is true, if you fail you can try again, that's not a problem, but is odd that even with a very high developed skill the roll dice still counts...
  8. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Luck and gameplay questions

    I'm in my fourth F2 playthrough and noted something regarding Luck. According to the wiki and some searchs on the forum, Luck influence the critical hit chance, gambling and the actual chance on the game dice roll. But that's the catch, my previous character had 9 LK and 75% on lockpick and...
  9. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Wich trait should I get?

    That's what I thought regarding Fast Shot, my main weapon is the H&K P90c and I'm planning later on using H&K G11E if the opportunity presents, so aimmed shots are not crucial. I'm currently at level 8. I picked Fast Shot and Sex Appeal traits, with the following SPECIAL: ST - 5 PE - 5...
  10. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Wich trait should I get?

    OK, Gifted is regarded as the universal best trait and bla bla bla, but I want to try something different for the game. Yes, I know is one point in every one of your attributes in exchange for some skill points, but the trade-off is hugelly minimized by the advantages. But honestly? Sometimes I...
  11. brfritos

    Your GOTY 2011 (poll added)

    Glad to see the argument is used worldwide. Boys will be boys, isn't? :)
  12. brfritos

    Your GOTY 2011 (poll added)

    Strip Tic Tac Toe Beats almost all games in the graphics department. :cool:
  13. brfritos

    If Quake was done today...

    OK, if you want me to be all PC and that, health bars on a FPS polute the interface heavelly. And health bars are a form of holding the player hands. "Shoot this guy, not that guy, it has more health". :roll:
  14. brfritos

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Thanks for the answers people, I will wait until the game price drops before trying it then.
  15. brfritos

    If Quake was done today...

    Is funny you post that because when watching the video posted by zioburosky13, one of youtube "indications" was the Bordlands 2 gameplay video. The first thing I noted when watching it and make'd me scream "what the hell" was...the enemies have health bars! So players nowdays are so dumb...
  16. brfritos

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'm dying to ask this for some time, because I only lurk the thread until now. Allright, the talk about weapons, monsters, armors and bugs are very entertaining, but what about the quests, choices and consequences the game provide? They are good? There's challenge in doing them?
  17. brfritos

    If Quake was done today...

    Well, if you people didn't understand the point of the video, maybe "Call of Dooty" brings some light into the discussion. The problem is not if Doom, Wolf 3D, Quake 1, F1/F2 or C&C 1/2/3 and RA 1/2 are the good days of...
  18. brfritos

    Anybody else dislike long films?

    I somewhat disagree on this, it's boring to see a movie character looking placid to the sea during 10 minutes, but sometimes you really need some lengthy scenes to build up atmosphere and dialog. The Godfather is one of those movies, there are some lengthy scenes that contribute to the movie...
  19. brfritos

    No jury in Bethesda vs Interplay

    You know what bothers me in this type of topic? People bash the original Fallout game's because of the ISO view, saying they belong to games of the past, but a lot of games today's have isometric view, is not just simply a "classic games like Fallout" argument. The entire Civilization series...
  20. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Man, what year is this??? I live in Brazil, we don't have this "thing" here. Fortunately it seems... :cool: