Search results

  1. Knight Captain Kerr

    Is The Glow worth the trouble?

    The last time I played Fallout was the first time I went below the first level and it really is worth it. If you have 2 Rad-X and take them as soon as you arrive or stop just short and take them there you have 100% radiation resistance that will last as long as you need to be there. Just don't...
  2. Knight Captain Kerr

    How "retro" was Fallout intended to be?

    I like the Retro-Futurism of Fallout with Pre-War Fallout being the future that people in the 50's envisioned. I suppose Bethesda might have gone a little far but I didn't mind. Although they should always keep in mind that is how the world was not how it is now. It is kind of weird that the...
  3. Knight Captain Kerr

    VATS implementations in an MMO setting

    Well I guess I should mention that I don't like VATS and that I don't want a Fallout MMO. But if a Fallout MMO was made and it was made in the style of 3 and New Vegas then I couldn't see them having VATS at least not in the form 3 and New Vegas have it in where it pauses time. I couldn't see it...
  4. Knight Captain Kerr


    Cool, they're finally on GOG. I got Clear Sky second hand a while back but it was loaded down with DRM so I didn't play it. I'll be sure to get the 3 of them and play them at some point in the future.
  5. Knight Captain Kerr

    How Long Has It Been Since You Last Played...

    I downloaded them off GOG and loaded them up a few times and walked around a bit in the past few months but haven't really played them. It's probably somewhere between 1 and 2 years since I did a full playthrough. But I'm planning on playing all the Fallout games (even that non-canon one that we...
  6. Knight Captain Kerr

    Vaults in Canada

    Canada was annexed by America and the annexation was completed in January 2076. In Fallout 3 there was a letter in a mailbox in Springvale that read as follows: So what do you think, could there be Vaults in Canada?
  7. Knight Captain Kerr

    Vault Ideas For Fallout 4

    Right, here are a few ideas I just thought of. I'm likely to add more in time. Vault Idea 1: The heating is the vault is designed that it is always uncomfortably warm. Vault Idea 2: The heating is the vault is designed that it is always uncomfortably cold. Vault Idea 3: Other than the main...
  8. Knight Captain Kerr

    Help with nation naming

    Could name them after where they are based. If their headquarters is located in a military base or something they could be named after the base. They could also be named after their founder. For example if their founder was called "Jacob Colton" then they could be called "Coltons."
  9. Knight Captain Kerr

    Does Nuking both Nations at the end of LR destroy them?

    Yeah, I think they are meant to ensure a slow death for which ever country you nuke and if not at least severely weaken them. I disagree with Avellone when it comes to "resetting" the West. I think it should be allowed to develop. There are still plenty of other places to make a Fallout game...
  10. Knight Captain Kerr

    [Fallout1] Wait, no one noticed this? In over 16 years?!?!

    I never noticed this before. Thanks for pointing it out. Sort of, but not really. We know the Vault Dweller is male so Natalia is out and looking at the Vault Dweller's Memoirs the personality fits Albert a whole lot more than it does Max. The memoirs actually leave sex ambiguous but it is...
  11. Knight Captain Kerr

    An enemy you hated most in whole fallout series

    Deathclaws in pretty much any Fallout, Cazadors in New Vegas, Enclave Patrols in Fallout 2, those uber versions of enemies in Broken Steel and the shielded Aliens in Mothership Zeta. That said I do like some of these enemies and that they are hard to deal with so I don't know if hate is the...
  12. Knight Captain Kerr

    Is the ghost in Fallout 2 considered canon?

    What's the story with the Dunwich Building in Fallout 3? Or that creepy whispering at Graveyards in New Vegas? Anyway like others I would say it is one of those maybe magic, maybe mundane things. She could be a crazy woman with a stealth boy or she could really be a ghost. You don't know for...
  13. Knight Captain Kerr

    Future of the NCR

    I really like the NCR so that might play into me thinking they'll survive too. I'm fairly certain things are better in California than the frontier. Living in New Arrayo or The Hub would be different than living on the edge of NCR control, the area around New Vegas is a frontier. Yes crime and...
  14. Knight Captain Kerr

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    It was shame a lot of Legion content was cut but I do think the Legion were an interesting group. That said I don't like the Legion, I think they are horrible. I understand why they do what they do but I really don't agree with it. I'm pretty Pro-NCR anyway. But I'm like Cass, I support the NCR...
  15. Knight Captain Kerr

    Future of the NCR

    I think the canon ending will be anything but Legion victory. I'm against Avellone's idea of resetting the West Coast by nuking the NCR, the world should start to rebuild itself. You can still make a prequel or interquel set somewhere else. Personally I think the NCR will be alright, might be a...
  16. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout: Miami

    I'd like to see a Fallout game somewhere in the Gulf Commonwealth. But personally I would choose New Orleans over Miami.
  17. Knight Captain Kerr

    Rate the DLC's

    I hope it is forever left ambiguous too. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter which side shot first.
  18. Knight Captain Kerr

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    I had the WESP patch both times. It happened last time I played too, I just managed to fix it this time. It was when I got to the Elizabeth Dane and the game couldn't load a cop texture or something like that so it would exit out to desktop. The first time I just gave up but last time I looked...
  19. Knight Captain Kerr

    Rate the DLC's

    1: Point Lookout A fun place to explore, pretty good story and a number of the characters were very interesting. I would be happy to see Lockheart again. At the end he says he is going north to deal with another old rival so it could happen. And nice to see there is somewhere in Fallout 3 with...
  20. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout 3 bobbleheads arrived in the mail... pictures within

    Oh, very nice. I do quite like the bobblehead I got in the CE. Have to imagine that they will release all 20 eventually.