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  1. TheAdversary

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Desert Ranger/10
  2. TheAdversary

    There is something rotten in Fallout New Vegas

    I think the biggest issue here is that in one post you used a link AND a media to the same video. HARUMPH I SAY!
  3. TheAdversary

    Bioshock 1 was pretty decent, and for a game in 2007, that's a fairly high standard. The plot...

    Bioshock 1 was pretty decent, and for a game in 2007, that's a fairly high standard. The plot, lore, and setting are good, but the biggest problems come from its gameplay. Primarily the usefulness of weapons and plasmids. The moral choices were all binary, and the final boss is a travesty. I'd...
  4. TheAdversary

    The guns don't really feel nice to use, limp actually. It also doesn't help that enemies barely...

    The guns don't really feel nice to use, limp actually. It also doesn't help that enemies barely respond to being shot.
  5. TheAdversary

    Infinite's level design is even more restrictive than Bioshock. The level design is condensed...

    Infinite's level design is even more restrictive than Bioshock. The level design is condensed into what can be summed up as a CoD-esque progression of sorts. Wholly linear, giving very few rewards for player exploration. If you're alright with being led around on a tour, then that's fine, but...
  6. TheAdversary

    So basically Infinite is better because you like the setting more. I can hear a faint, but...

    So basically Infinite is better because you like the setting more. I can hear a faint, but noticable echo of Fallout 3 in that statement.
  7. TheAdversary

    Strange arguments you had with other Fallout fans?

    I need more moments like this in my life. - Some guy: "I mean, I have to agree. Witcher 3's quests actually do result in different outcomes later in the game. Quite unlike New Vegas." - Me: "Really? Some extrapolation may be necessary for the latter portion of your comment." - Some guy: "See...
  8. TheAdversary

    How so?

    How so?
  9. TheAdversary

    Defer to the first sentence of my post. Yahtzee has given a fair amount of praise to various...

    Defer to the first sentence of my post. Yahtzee has given a fair amount of praise to various games he’s reviewed over the years. Wolfenstein: The New Order, Papers Please, Hotline Miami, Minecraft, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal, Psychonauts, are good examples of such.
  10. TheAdversary

    You haven’t seen very many Yahtzee vids. Just cause he’s cynical about the games he reviews...

    You haven’t seen very many Yahtzee vids. Just cause he’s cynical about the games he reviews doesn’t mean he doesn’t like them. For example, he bashed the shit out of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in his ZP review, but ended up listing it as one of his favorite games of 2013.
  11. TheAdversary

    Week of pain for me. Been working 12-hour shifts to accommodate new system software for the...

    Week of pain for me. Been working 12-hour shifts to accommodate new system software for the boat. Glad it’s almost done, though.
  12. TheAdversary

    Would that put the Switch at around the same level as the XBox360/PS3 or a little higher? Not...

    Would that put the Switch at around the same level as the XBox360/PS3 or a little higher? Not that capability matters much for the Switch.
  13. TheAdversary

    No, but have you ever pooped so hard that you pooped so hard, you died? That shit sucks.

    No, but have you ever pooped so hard that you pooped so hard, you died? That shit sucks.
  14. TheAdversary

    Time to celebrate another fantastic birthday. My birthday. I’m at work and just spent over $200...

    Time to celebrate another fantastic birthday. My birthday. I’m at work and just spent over $200 on some new uniforms.......... FUCK MY LIIII
  15. TheAdversary

    Like A721402 said, your immune system is bolstered by a healthy lifestyle. You also might be...

    Like A721402 said, your immune system is bolstered by a healthy lifestyle. You also might be performing anaerobic workouts, which are not good for someone who's sick. Sticking to a slower pace and building in intensity when nearing the end of your workout is a much better way to keep active...
  16. TheAdversary

    The locking joints might have to do with a lack of prep workouts/proper hydration. I've been...

    The locking joints might have to do with a lack of prep workouts/proper hydration. I've been doing a lot of running lately (I hate running more than anything, but I need to prep for my PRT), and have had to spend the previous day staying hydrated/eating healthy, as well as a 5-10 minute warm-up...
  17. TheAdversary

    'Tis the season, bud. Liquids, exercise, and simple hygienic practices are all you need to fight...

    'Tis the season, bud. Liquids, exercise, and simple hygienic practices are all you need to fight it. I had mine about a month ago and got over it in less than a week.
  18. TheAdversary

    Why modern games are worse and worse with passing years?

    I'm fine with how it was handled. The big thing with Hellblade is that it goes out of its way to make the player one with Senua. The progress reset ploy helps incite a sense of desperation, making the player very cautious about his/her actions. Even if they did have that feature, I would have...
  19. TheAdversary

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8/10 I really like the off-kilter flow in each verse. New APC song. Gotta throw this one out there.
  20. TheAdversary

    Looks like A Perfect Circle released a new track. Hopefully they'll follow up with an album this...

    Looks like A Perfect Circle released a new track. Hopefully they'll follow up with an album this time.