Search results

  1. Uber Morpth

    Aliens: Colonial Marines one letter typo fixes AI issues

    As much I loved Borderlands 1/2 (Didn't like Pre Sequal at all being more of a rehashed BL2 without any of the good things) the company's recent actions and spesficly Clif's has really turned me off of there product's, even for Borderlands 3 I'm a little worried I just hope the bad side of the...
  2. Uber Morpth

    I'm (Slightly) considering getting Fallout 4 GOTY Edition

    Nah is alright, funny thing is with this "Xbox Live Pass" thing going on for my account Fallout 4 GOTY is now only 48$ so I figured heh why not and bought it, to be honest though I only ever play Fallout 4 for just exploration and combat (Which are the only best parts about it even then it gets...
  3. Uber Morpth

    Is Christianity wrong?

    The worst kind of people you talk about I think are those that just can't accept the truth until Is too late, I think most hardcore christans/creatonists are so far indoctrinated that if what they believe Is somehow wrong then they will be lost forever or fear of being hated by there...
  4. Uber Morpth

    Is Christianity wrong?

    The irony is that they could of mistaken those to be dragons In there messed up heads.
  5. Uber Morpth

    Is Christianity wrong?

    And yet sadly there are people like Creationist "Doctor" Kent Hovind and Pat Robertson who will happily believe In utter nonsense like talking animal's and magical genie's in pure ignorace, then con millions of people into there own crazy version of what "God" wants be it denying science as a...
  6. Uber Morpth

    I'm (Slightly) considering getting Fallout 4 GOTY Edition

    Now course I did play Fallout 4's base game when it came out since at the time my brother just got his Xbox One and the first game he got was Fallout 4 (This was back when me and him where still Bethestard fans not anymore) I remembered just having lots fun with exploring, collecting and...
  7. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    Not unless you save scum like me. c:
  8. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    I mean maybe compared to a fully modded Hunting Shotgun is slightly worse but Dinner Bell I loved forever since it has one of the tighest spread in the game in terms of shotguns, it also already comes with the shotgun choke add on making is spread even smaller and with the two shotgun perks...
  9. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    Haha yes I kind of use that same set up with Cristine's cos sniper rifle/Dinner bell/Sleepytime. I just got started using it in old world's blue till then I been using the Ratslayer (another good unique weapon since it has the third highest critical damage in the game?) But cristine's cos...
  10. Uber Morpth

    Bad movies you love?

    You bet ya, I think my favorite part of it all is the random shit the narriator will say at anytime in the movie in the most broken african/english you can imagine.
  11. Uber Morpth

    Bad movies you love?

    No one mentioned the first Ugandi action film Who Killed Captain Alex? Just go look up the "amazing" action scenes and you'll be blown away by the special effects, should put Michael Bay to shame.
  12. Uber Morpth

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    Please tell me that's not an actual quest, that even sombody thought of a date rape be committed is a good thing... -Checks the Fallout 3 wiki to verify this unmarked quest- Excuse me for a moment while I destory my copy of Fallout 3 GOTY Editon that I got as a younger dumb kid.
  13. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    True trure, But does it microfusion cells change to the guns color like the Q-35 does? No case closed. #FalloutFashion
  14. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    Please tell me you use the Q-35 Matter Modulator that thing's a beast with crit damage.
  15. Uber Morpth

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    Is probably my favorite aspact of the guns and even some of the energy/explosive weapons is due to the interchangable ammo types and the fire/reload animation's probably my favorite is either the hunting shotgun or anti matrial rifle, the sounds just feel lot more meaty as you say compared to...
  16. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    As much I love M1 Grands in games, my problem with it is the range and accuracy of it is shot to shit mostly at mid to long range I even have hard time hitting body's (and yes I have enough strengh and gun skill to use it properly) And in terms of highest dealing 308. Gun that goes to I think...
  17. Uber Morpth

    Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

    Dark Souls>Demon's Souls If you ignore the half waypoint in the game where it kind of becomes mix of good to awful (I love Tomb of Giants, New London Ruins was meh but Four Kings as a boss is my favorite in the series but fuck Lost Izalith and Duke's Archives) Personsly I felt it vastely...
  18. Uber Morpth

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I prefer to get over with most grettings quickly, I'm more just interested in talking bout other things then about myself since I'm socially akward as fuck in public.
  19. Uber Morpth

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hiya all I'm UberMorpth, I've been a fan of the Fallout series back when Fallout 3 came out (Don't worry I hate it now today along with Fallout 4 and love the orginals and Fallout New Vegas) I only came on nma since I heard from lot of people (mostly from reddit threads) about how this is the...
  20. Uber Morpth

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    You tried Vance's 9mm smg? That thing is a beast in terms of dps especially if you get it early on. Now for favorite looking unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas? I fucking love Q-35 Matter Modulator, I love red as is one of my favorite colors so it already gets bonus points, the extra tubes...