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  1. Jogre

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    I was kind of counting the Old Tanker as San Fransisco, but yeah 100% it is one of the worst, if not the worst. I like the Tanker Vagrants, but the fact that it's the only way to get to the Enclave is extremely weak. It's like, every single run will end with "Go to the tanker, do their quests...
  2. Jogre

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Angloids really just like to think they're better than other people. You get this with pretty much every Brit in a position of power: Journalists, Politicians, ect. They really just love berating people less connected and important for them for being less connected and important.
  3. Jogre

    Are The Wild Wasteland Encounters Hallucinations?

    Hot take: They should have honestly just ditched the Wild Wasteland Perk and made it all default content instead. The fact that you have some annoying sound effect play to inform you "This is because you installed Wild Wasteland" and you waste a trait. Like I get it, Fallout Fans would be...
  4. Jogre

    Why did you post this on my profile? Like what does it gotta do with me?

    Why did you post this on my profile? Like what does it gotta do with me?
  5. Jogre

    Gamerant: Why Fallout 5 Could Be Set in China

    NGL, I don't understand what point this video is trying to make.
  6. Jogre

    Leaving NMA I can't take this shit anymore....

    I'd say this is kind of the point of the show: Walt's a narcissist who thinks everything revolves around him, and considers Jesse some dumb kid who he can manipulate. If he actually listened to Jesse more, or kept his ego in check, half the bad stuff that happens to them wouldn't happen.
  7. Jogre

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Tribunal DLC really wrecks the flow of Morrowind huh? Like Base game Morrowind is really expertly designed once you reach Balmora, as it slowly guides you through content that will always be roughly the right level for your character, and even gives you long side quest breaks where Caius...
  8. Jogre

    Leaving NMA I can't take this shit anymore....

    Yeah 100%, I used to spend almost every single day here back in those days. The Forum was down for like a week once, and it seems like almost everyone who was active was shaken up by it because they didn't know what else to do with their life.
  9. Jogre

    Rain Umbrella Point Up Skull Scissor Line Communist Won Ank to you too.

    Rain Umbrella Point Up Skull Scissor Line Communist Won Ank to you too.
  10. Jogre

    Fallout: London Gameplay Trailer released

    Even old New York was once new Amsterdam Why'd they change it I can't say? Guess people just liked it better that way.
  11. Jogre

    Fallout: London Gameplay Trailer released

    American city names be like: London, Jerusalem, Moscow, Rome, Athens, Paris, New York, New Orleans, Palestine, Lebanon, Angola
  12. Jogre

    F1 and F2 Needed More Endings

    It's kinda silly that they have ending slides for the Shi generally tbh, given that your interaction with them basically boils down to "Get their experimenta biofuel, either by stealing it or doing them a favour" I'm willing to bet that like 99.9% of players got the exact same Shi ending every...
  13. Jogre

    Skype is basically a virus. I mean, a messaging software that you can't close, what will they...

    Skype is basically a virus. I mean, a messaging software that you can't close, what will they think of next?
  14. Jogre

    Having Skype automatically installed after having to buy a new Microsoft Office License is...

    Having Skype automatically installed after having to buy a new Microsoft Office License is insult to injury.
  15. Jogre

    House of the Dragon

    It's Roskva from Expeditions: Vikings.
  16. Jogre

    Like, prior to the Industrial Revolution, something like 80% of the population were farmers...

    Like, prior to the Industrial Revolution, something like 80% of the population were farmers. Cities used to be defined by the fact that they weren't self-sufficient food-wise, which was a major sign of wealth. People constantly underestimate how much farming is needed to sustain a population.
  17. Jogre

    Like I know this is pedantic, but every time I see an open world exploration game, it's...

    Like I know this is pedantic, but every time I see an open world exploration game, it's constantly on the bank of my mind "Where are they getting the food from?"
  18. Jogre

    That MrBTongue Video probably ruined a lot of video games for me, since the food question...

    That MrBTongue Video probably ruined a lot of video games for me, since the food question doesn't add up.
  19. Jogre

    House of the Dragon

    Not sure I'm going to watch this, got a bad taste in my mouth after Game of Thrones' trashfire ending. Also the idea of watching a 2edgy4me softcore porn fantasy show is less appealing in your 20s than it is in your teens.
  20. Jogre

    I'm shocked to this day how disingenuous MATN's points were.

    I'm shocked to this day how disingenuous MATN's points were.