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  1. Jogre

    A Very special NMA Christmas special thread

    Was going to spend Christmas round my uncle's, but then my cousin caught COVID :-( So it's yet another Christmas bored at home.
  2. Jogre

    There is some toxicity. There are definitely people here who treat their opinions as objective...

    There is some toxicity. There are definitely people here who treat their opinions as objective truth, and get unreasonably angry at developers. It has a way of slipping by you when you're not looking tho. That said a lot of the complaints come from Fallout noobs thinking people here are a bunch...
  3. Jogre

    Benny should have been the final Boss

    People have already pointed out that Benny is a bit pathetic really, and so having him as a final boss would indulge in his delusions of himself, so I'm going to go a different route: The Macguffin you're chasing in the first act of the game in a Fallout game is usually meant to be something...
  4. Jogre

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Honestly, Ren and Stimpy is a pretty weird show considering everything we now know...
  5. Jogre

    My Personal thoughts on Fallout the Frontier

    I saw a thread titled "My personal thoughts on Fallout the Frontier" with CT Phipp's avatar on the "recent posts" sidebar and got scared for a moment.
  6. Jogre

    Why are modern isometric RPGs shit?

    Funnily enough, I have the exact opposite complaint as you about how Pillars of Eternity II handled colonialism: The fisherman was, from what I recall, trying to get his land back after his village was effectively made to sign a predatory deal with a colonial company backed by a large state...
  7. Jogre

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Damn it, I thought I was just making good posts. Turns out he's doing it to everyone.
  8. Jogre

    >During my draft Scandinavian Moment

    >During my draft Scandinavian Moment
  9. Jogre

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Talking about Fallout be like.
  10. Jogre

    Does anyone else realize how stupid Arthur Maxson being sent East Coast is?

    Pedantry isn't an attractive character trait. What I meant was, in term of story, Fallout Tactics handled all the same themes and ideas of Fallout 3, and basically has the same premise, but it does it 100X better.
  11. Jogre

    Yeah that's the thing: as querness becomes more normalised, sex jokes which seemed shocking a...

    Yeah that's the thing: as querness becomes more normalised, sex jokes which seemed shocking a few decades ago kinda don't have much of a punchline, because there's no longer a taboo around it.
  12. Jogre

    When you go back to the femboy twink's place.

    When you go back to the femboy twink's place.
  13. Jogre

    An article about Fallout

    Honestly I know I would be dissapointed if a game actually did this (Unless it was some experimental exploration game and not a Fallout Sequel), but I would really love to see the Angel's Boneyard up close.
  14. Jogre

    Your opinion is worthless

    Tagaziel was really coming at it from the other perspective. He would go all big about how "Look at these entitled people living in the past obsessing over how games should be done", but then would shut down entire threads if he didn't like what they were talking about and threaten to ban people...
  15. Jogre

    London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my...

    London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
  16. Jogre

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Modern day Doctor Strangelove adaptation
  17. Jogre

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Watched Eternals today: Good movie, really appreciate the ambition and think it's a very sweet and well told story. It feels a little bit schizo in presentation, where it throws way too many plot points at you, brings out character arcs out of nowhere, has weird pacing, handles ideas on a...
  18. Jogre

    An article about Fallout

    That's the thing: Fallout switched from an Isometric Turn Based Game, to a 3D Open World Game, and not many people think realistically about what was lost in the process or assume it's too minor to count, when fundementally that changes everything. San Fransisco used to be a place you could...
  19. Jogre

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I would argue that rather what's happening is people are making points that come from theoretical frameworks they like, or ideas they like, but you're not at all interested in engaging with those ideas, so you reduce it to your own ideology and demand people speak exclusively in your terms...