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  1. Jogre

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    It's funny because the game explicitly tells you that if you do enough quests for the NCR/Caesar's Legion you'll alienate the other. Requires complete obliviousness. Holy shit, we have multiple Fallout 4 fans on this thread? Damn this Forum has fallen in standards. Back in the day we used to...
  2. Jogre

    Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

    I don't think settlement building mechanics work thematically with Fallout tbh. Like, Fallout for me is primarily falls in to that genre of Ronin/Western story which is just about a wanderer looking for some vague thing going from town to town and getting involved in their troubles. Being Bob...
  3. Jogre

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    To be honest, if I find myself liking old games, it's because they did something cool and unique within their limitations, and so called "upgrades" can sometimes be a downgrades. Take Secret of Monkey Island: they didn't use pixel art for artistic reasons, they used it because that was what...
  4. Jogre

    Like how the old man seemed to be enjoying Red Light Green Light even as people were being shot...

    Like how the old man seemed to be enjoying Red Light Green Light even as people were being shot, or aware that he's being taken advantage of in the Marbles game. I noticed those things at the time, but didn't expect them to be because of that.
  5. Jogre

    I never really thought about it that way, but it would make sense if that were the intention. I...

    I never really thought about it that way, but it would make sense if that were the intention. I was kinda amazed how many minor things from earlier episodes became thematically relevant, or otherwise clues to later plot reveals.
  6. Jogre

    Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

    Welcome to the club
  7. Jogre

    The least realistic thing about Squid Game is the Frontman wearing a digital watch. That guy has...

    The least realistic thing about Squid Game is the Frontman wearing a digital watch. That guy has too much class for that.
  8. Jogre

    The last time you were on here I absolutely wreckt you in the noob battles XD

    The last time you were on here I absolutely wreckt you in the noob battles XD
  9. Jogre

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    My stance on Richardson is the same as my stance on The Enclave: Fun one off villains. Like, they're not as complex villains as The Master, but that's fine, not every game needs as strong a villain as FO1. They have absolutely no potential as returning villains though, like Fallout 3 imagines...
  10. Jogre

    Who else hates the idea that the world could’ve been saved if only...

    The conditions of the Fallout world and the conditions of the real world are vastly different. Fallout presents a world of extreme resource scarcity combined with cold war paranoia, combined with the collapse of any international institutions meant to oversee the world, and then presents the...
  11. Jogre

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    I prefer Fallout 2 to Fallout 1, but calling it "Superior in All Ways" is bait.
  12. Jogre

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    Since we're discussing Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, both are good in different ways, but one thing I absolutely love is the interconnectedness of Fallout 2's world, something that Fallout 1 has only to a lesser extent. Like when you enter Klamath, you repair a guy's distillery, and the guy...
  13. Jogre

    Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

    146 pages O.o Wow, I'll have to find some free time.
  14. Jogre

    Who else hates the idea that the world could’ve been saved if only...

    Josh Sawyer definitely is, I've seen him retweet stuff about Labour Unions and collectivised workplaces.
  15. Jogre

    Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

    Not sure if this has been said before, but if you're workshoping Van Buren it might be worth, IMO, getting rid of the incredibly juvenile shit like the Trog Prostitute who doesn't know she's a prostitute and just thinks everyone's nice to her. Like it has incredibly "Teenage Demographic" vibes...
  16. Jogre

    Who else hates the idea that the world could’ve been saved if only...

    I don't particularly like human nature arguements or ideas about a State of Nature or whatever, because I think most often they're just abstractions with no actual basis. I prefer to look at the world as it is, rather than drawing big conclusions about our entire species based on the state of...
  17. Jogre

    The Outer Worlds 2

    Probably the former Creative Sci Fi can be done on a small budget (Think about how many Star Trek aliens are straight up just people in masks, and how many episodes take place entirely on one set)
  18. Jogre

    Project Van Buren

    Yo dude, I know you might want to finish working on the game first but...could you share those documents? That's a priceless historical artifact you have in your posession.
  19. Jogre

    Was there any point to your character being from pre-war times?

    Gotta have the protagonist be Middle Class, otherwise the post-apocalyptic world might not seem bad in comparison to literally starving due to the ongoing shortages of the pre-war world.
  20. Jogre

    Fallout: London trailer

    It's actually pretty funny how quickly they expected entire cityscapes to be replaced.