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  1. Jogre

    Basically Vegans see animal agriculture as less a "Directly killing is murder" and more as a...

    Basically Vegans see animal agriculture as less a "Directly killing is murder" and more as a system of control which reduces animals to property which can be killed at will and have their entire reproductive organs controlled. Abstaining entirely from the industry is therefore viewed as the...
  2. Jogre

    Yeah as Walpknut already pointed out, modern factory farming has effectively made it so cows...

    Yeah as Walpknut already pointed out, modern factory farming has effectively made it so cows need to be seperated from their calves and kept consistently pregnant in order to produce constant supplies of milk. Plus if you farm animals for reproductive-related reasons, such as eggs or milk...
  3. Jogre

    Fallout: London trailer

    Eh, it's a mod for Fallout and is roughly going to take place in the same universe I assume. So I don't care that it's called Fallout, and just hope it's good.
  4. Jogre

    Fallout: London trailer

    I prefer the "Loxley is faking his accent" theory personally
  5. Jogre

    Fallout: London trailer

    Hats off to whoever's running this account, you're hilarious. Honestly, even if it won't be "Fallout" beyond claims to be set in the same universe due to it's lack of similar material (A good choice rather than rehasing the Brotherhood and Supermutants for the 500th time), I think it still has...
  6. Jogre

    Fallout 3: Fallout At It's Finest

    One thing I always found interesting about New Vegas, is that a huge chunk of the music is actually fairly recent, dating to the 90s and 2000s, but is just from obscure artists so nobody really notices the difference. Lone Star, Let's Ride in to the Sunset Together and In The Shadow of the...
  7. Jogre

    Fallout 3: Fallout At It's Finest

    TBH stuff like this seems like a lost cause Like if we're redesigning the entire map, removing or rewriting every faction, changing the timeline, ect., why not just scrap the entire thing and come up with something entirely original? I feel it's better to just shrug and think "Fallout 3 and 4...
  8. Jogre

    Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

    I feel like portrayals of Tribals in Fallout is one of those things where concept differs from execution. Like conceptually, in Fallout 2, the Tribals are the most influential people in the story, they're the ones who are creating an optimistic new society in this broken world using the G.E.C.K...
  9. Jogre

    The Outer Worlds 2

    Fair enough. I'm not going to comment on the Walp drama any further because I don't know the history between you two. I do really appreciate how you always make an effort to remedy things after hostilities though. I can only really comment on the story, since again, I've only seen...
  10. Jogre

    The Outer Worlds 2

    Honestly, I hate having to disagree with you on things, because you don't just make jests about what people say, but actively respond in quite shitty ways. Like saying Walp likes "Lesbian Fetish Porn or Coomer shit" because he disagrees with you about how muscular video game women should be, a...
  11. Jogre


    Fair enough. I just think it's dumb to act like disagreeing with the direction a company took a video game series is an actual iredeemable wrong.
  12. Jogre

    The Outer Worlds 2

    "A major corporation that's reliant on Capitalism wouldn't handle topics of Marxism and Capitalism" coming right before "Game devs are all Marxists who won't accept any alternatives to their ideas" is also a pretty funny one.
  13. Jogre


    Honestly Norzan, from what I've seen of your posts, I appreciate the enthusiasm you have, but honestly it's one that I've grown out of. Like, after a while you kinda stop having this "Bethesda have wronged us, and games companies I don't like are evil and iredeemable, and Bethesda fans are...
  14. Jogre

    The Outer Worlds 2

    Gotta say, despite the trailer being a parody, I really liked the shots they included, with the rocky world with the crystals, and the creature they introduced. I don't know if any of that will actually be in the game or not or if it was just part of the joke about impressive looking trailers...
  15. Jogre

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I've had a similar experience. My laptop caused all sorts of issues with Fallout 2, including colour distortion in cutscenes, unable to being provide fullscreen, mouse not running, crashing when I start the game, ect., and each adjustment I tried would just throw a bunch of new problems. My...
  16. Jogre

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    Honestly New Vegas follows the same continuity as the first 2 games, and is complex enough RPG-wise, as well as fitting the atmosphere of Fallout well enough that even though I agree that the FPS Fallout necessarily changes the game, it's honestly such a faithful successor in so many other ways...
  17. Jogre

    Oof, that's pretty grim. I think I probably would have just tried to move away, partially out of...

    Oof, that's pretty grim. I think I probably would have just tried to move away, partially out of cowardice, partially because I couldn't really bring myself to kill anything.
  18. Jogre

    Which Fallout has the best music intro?

    I don't even remember Fallout 4 or Fallout Tactic's intro, so I guess that says something, lol. For the rest, I'd actually say they all feel incredibly fitting for what they're trying to achieve. "Maybe" handles the desolation, and the vague memory of the old world in the face of this...
  19. Jogre

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    Yeah, you've had a lot of takes like this and I kinda agree with them to a limited extent. I know it's a cliche to say this, but to a certain extent this forum is an echochamber. Echochambers can be productive, as this forum is, as it gives a chance to formulate more substantial points by...