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  1. Jogre

    Fallout: London, what I like so far

    So a couple weeks ago, I discovered the existence of a modding project called Fallout: London. At first I was kinda skeptical of this because I don't usually get hyped for this, but the more I read in to this the more I figure, hey actually this could be pretty cool. Now I'm biased here. I am a...
  2. Jogre

    Let me see your headcanons!

    One thing I'm a huge fan of is mutants that are mutated humans but aren't just Supermutants or Ghouls, precisely for this reason. I like the idea that there's lots more diversity in how humans have responded to the apocalypse than what's shown. Fallout 2 does this pretty well in a few places...
  3. Jogre

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    Honestly I think the reason opinion in it "turned" was that, to be quite frank, the cracks started to show. Like, my experience of it was as a generic experience that, while it certainly had it's charms, felt predictable and flat almost immediately, and I hadn't even seen a single negative...
  4. Jogre

    Rewriting Fallout: New Vegas

    I don't think that's a fair assesment. Like "Legion is authoritarian, the Unity was authoritarian, therefore Marcus would sympathise with the Legion since he sympathised with the Unity" Like, the Unity were at least technologically progressive, using the newest innovations, and had a fairly...
  5. Jogre

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    A couple years ago that would have been based AF, but tbh pretty much every Obsidian game other than Pillars of Eternity 1 and Fallout New Vegas has been pretty weak, and they're only getting weaker.
  6. Jogre

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    I mean this tbh. Like, canon is literally made up. Human made concepts are not objective truths, yet there are some people who will earnestly argue "A company which happened to purchase the license of a game has the objective right to decide exactly what is true and false in that game universe...
  7. Jogre

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    So much of a banger this site can't even display it properly. We're just not ready for it.
  8. Jogre

    "Empathy" Perk

    That risks the problem of no particular blob being useful.
  9. Jogre

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Hell, the Game Guide describes the transition from Tandi's presidency to the current situation in terms of mass Reagan style privatisation.
  10. Jogre

    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    I like how they Stone and Parker have no concept of subtlety. Like it was obviously a George Lucas dig Before they talked about the Imperial Walkers.
  11. Jogre

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    See, this is where the real meat and bones comes in: how you view human history. Whether House's "I was a billionaire 20 times over, I singlehandedly created the tech of the oldworld" shtick is actually convincing depends on how you view the powerful: are the Mr House's of the world actually...
  12. Jogre

    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    Only if you ignore the context in which he mentioned the point in: He has clearly watched Hbombereguy's video on the topic: Hbomberguy explains how outside of random encounters, when you interact with humans, every player's first experience will likely be non-violent: When you reach the end of...
  13. Jogre

    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    @Millim True, I do think the obsessive content making is a bit dry BUT someone did need to put MATN in his place tbh. MATN's video is filled with blatant strawmans and outright bad faith arguements. I could probably count on one hand the number of points he makes in good faith, and then his...
  14. Jogre

    Holy shit, Walpkunt is a Fallout fan?

    Holy shit, Walpkunt is a Fallout fan?
  15. Jogre

    Is the rocket going to be made of grass?

    Is the rocket going to be made of grass?
  16. Jogre

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Honestly, I love the way how House is written, because he's quite clearly a Narcissist, but most players will take his explanations as to why he does the things he does at completely face value, not realising how genuinely unsettling the way House acts is. Like most of his explanations as to...
  17. Jogre

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    "Aztec God of human sacrifice", lmao what? Like Huītzilōpōchtli was the patron god of the Mexica, and was prayed to because he was believed to win wars. Like, does Cristopher here think that Poseidon was the Greek God of Human Sacrifice? After all, I can point to reported incidents of that...
  18. Jogre

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I joined the Mage's Guild yesterday, and now I'm the Guildmaster because quest writing.
  19. Jogre

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I like how Joe Biden has repeatedly said that even if congress and the senate overwhelmingly vote in favour of progressive legislation like M4A, that he will still not sign it in to law. And the media spin is "He wants to be progressive, it's just the two conservatives within his own party...
  20. Jogre

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Hava Nagila is a Hebrew folk song. He's clearly making a tryhard edgy antisemetic joke about Jews ruling the world or whatever.