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  1. Jogre

    @Atomic Postman I actually have a hard time figuring out which parts of the Brotherhood-NCR page...

    @Atomic Postman I actually have a hard time figuring out which parts of the Brotherhood-NCR page are canon and which parts are nonsense, because they list a whole bunch of causes which are never directly stated in New Vegas, and their main citation is an interview with JESawyer that is now deleted.
  2. Jogre

    @TorontoReign Your dog fought in the Iran-Iraq War and has PTSD regarding gas Source: Fallout Wiki

    @TorontoReign Your dog fought in the Iran-Iraq War and has PTSD regarding gas Source: Fallout Wiki
  3. Jogre

    They literally blindly speculated on the actual role Myron played in post-Bethesda lore with...

    They literally blindly speculated on the actual role Myron played in post-Bethesda lore with ZERO EVIDENCE on a fan wiki.
  4. Jogre

    @Walpknut The wiki page for Myron literally states that he "Actually didn't make jet, but rather...

    @Walpknut The wiki page for Myron literally states that he "Actually didn't make jet, but rather made Jet quicker and cheaper to produce" with NO CITATIONS because it's literally not supported by ANYTHING in game.
  5. Jogre

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    Are you saying that having orbital missiles and unique guns with coherent design purposes is more fun and engaging for the player than having a hundred randomly generated +1 Legendary, Flamethrowing, Cat killing Pipe Pistol. I beg to differ :naughty:
  6. Jogre

    Why does the NCR go after Enclave remnants, but not remnants of the Master's Army?

    Lot of war crime defending going on. Are we forgetting that the original point is that the Enclave definitely had children on their rig that are probably all dead now?, Like that's not justifiable by any stretch of the imagination. Although I do grant that the Chosen One as a singular figure...
  7. Jogre

    Enclave Power Armor Art

    Wow, that's really good. Love the style.
  8. Jogre

    Screen Rant's "Every Fallout Game, Ranked Worst To Best" Article

    A lot of people, sadly. We're not the audience anymore.
  9. Jogre

    Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

    I think Games Journalism as a proffesion gets shat on way too much because of stuff like this, as @Hardboiled Android already pointed out, first of all this is a clickbait article. Secondly game rankings or "How good is this game" articles tend to be shit in general because, y'know, they're...
  10. Jogre

    Screen Rant's "Every Fallout Game, Ranked Worst To Best" Article

    I mean, honestly this is clearly someone who has different expectations of games tbh. Like, it's a sloppily written obvious clickbait article, I also stand by the luhr comments, but overall the general logic: Fallout 4 has better gunplay and base building mechanics, well if that's what you're...
  11. Jogre

    Screen Rant's "Every Fallout Game, Ranked Worst To Best" Article

    "Only play the first 2 Fallout games for the Luhr", god I've come to hate Lore as a concept. It's not "Themes" or "Tone" or "Worldbuilding" or any complex nuanced discussion of narrative, it's just some big slop of infodumps that people can chow down on. Same with Canon, it's such a useless...
  12. Jogre

    Congrats again Abstain.

    Congrats again Abstain.
  13. Jogre

    Sorry. The best consolation I can give is I understand, there are people who have done horrific...

    Sorry. The best consolation I can give is I understand, there are people who have done horrific things to friends of mine. I find it difficult to contain the anger sometimes and constantly think what I could have done to them to stop them hurting more people.
  14. Jogre

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    I feel like that's an unfair comparison. Sure you could make the comparison about the cynical undertones, but there's more to it than that: Pillars of Eternity is about the idea of the sacred, and whether it's necessary. Thaos sees the world as an inherently hobbesian place, and sees the role...
  15. Jogre

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Funnily enough, I think New Reno might be his magnum opus. He seems to be best at writing non-verbal cues and mostly self-contained comical areas.
  16. Jogre

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Honestly this. There seems to be a personality cult around Avellone despite the fact that the majority of writing on games he's praised for was done by other people.
  17. Jogre

    Why does the NCR go after Enclave remnants, but not remnants of the Master's Army?

    Given that the Enclave lost their main Oil Rig and was only present in Navarro, the Enclave seem like they'd be easy to clean up. Just have a focused attack on the one area they're still present. "Ideological Purity and Shiny Power Armour doesn't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1" -Mr...
  18. Jogre

    I'm nostalgic for 2017. This forum was much more active with a whole bunch of dedicated noobs...

    I'm nostalgic for 2017. This forum was much more active with a whole bunch of dedicated noobs, including myself. That was the year I spent much of Christmas on this fourm, that was the last year before Vergil's ban. God I used to love this place.
  19. Jogre

    Texas LARPING Frozen.

    Hey Chummer, did you hear that Renraku has been doing animal testing again? Apparently trying to find out the decking capabilities of basilisks. Real cruel drek man. I got a Johnson who wants us to leak some info on their newest line of products. Think you can set us up with a mage and decker...