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  1. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas guide blog - Locations

    There's a new post on Bethblog about locations in F: NV<blockquote>But what kinds of locations are available to the sight-seeing Courier? Well, some personal favorites include The Devil’s Throat; a giant rock depression filled with Evolved Centaurs, radioactive barrels, and heavy Energy...
  2. Sam Ecorners

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Now I want to go replay RDR 10/10
  3. Sam Ecorners

    Bethesda Podcast #3: New Vegas gone gold

    BTW, this cake was actually for someone's 30th birthday
  4. Sam Ecorners

    Bethesda Podcast #3: New Vegas gone gold

    New Bethesda Podcast is up. It is completely about New Vegas, announcing the title has gone gold and shipped to manufacturing. Some more info from it: *ED-E is the only big reference to Capital Wasteland, you will learn more about what's going on in California, as well as Arizona, Baja, Utah...
  5. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas soundtrack revealed

    In the latest newsletter, Bethesda announced some of the music that will be featured in Fallout: New Vegas:<blockquote>NEW VEGAS RADIO "AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD" Written by Sammy Cahn and James Van Heusen Performed by Dean Martin "IT'S A SIN TO TELL A LIE" Written by Billy Mayhew...
  6. Sam Ecorners

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    1/10 Who the fuck is that?
  7. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo offscreen footage

    Oh, I don't have a problem with graphics, on the contrary, I'm loving the looks of the wasteland and new animations. Nothing negative here, nope.
  8. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo offscreen footage

    well, no shit, but shitty animations made me rage in F3. So moar nice things, the better.
  9. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo offscreen footage

    Yeah, but these seem to be bit improved
  10. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo offscreen footage

    woooo, limping and crouching animations!!!
  11. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

    Broc Flower and Xander Root <3 <3 <3 EDIT: nipple tape?
  12. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

    Well, they definitely have a problem with power, since there's an implied interest in power from Helios One.
  13. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

    Eh, society rebuilds 200 years after the war and starts with sins. Nothing extraordinary if you ask me.
  14. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

    Fallout: New Vegas, people gonna dig it.
  15. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas interview and gameplay footage

    There's a new preview in PC gamer UK all about hardcore mode P.S. Actually.
  16. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas Interview Galore

    Acually :smug: thats a different weapon. Multiplas rifle
  17. Sam Ecorners does dumb stunt

  18. Sam Ecorners

    Mutants Rising: September Update

    That joke doesn't really work anymore...
  19. Sam Ecorners

    Childhood / teenage celebrity crushes

    I fapped at everything from shampoo ladies, to soap opera actresses and that's on top of fucking the shit out of my high school g/f. Hell, I still do, only now I got a wife.
  20. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer interview

    So did I. Gaystop stopped taking preorders on CE, so I had to get it online:(