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  1. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    lol barrel shrouds huh.... sounds like someone was picking at compensators which honestly have become standard equipment for every self loading rifle.... anyway, how much the old idiots in congress actually know about the world is best exemplified by a case where a video for battlefield 2 was...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    if i went to a place like that and found a loaded weapon not in someone's hands i would hunt down the owner and punch him in the fucking face and ignore the consequences. its not only a huge risk in terms of someone snagging the weapon for some reason but there is also the HUGE deal of fucking...
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    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    heh, reminds me of a study that demonstrated that the more uneven the wealth is in an area the more democratic it tends to lean.... and yes, your totally right. hell even look at ceasar, his power lay in the free men. the citizens(also known as the nobles) really didnt support him at all...
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    Your desktop image.

    *sigh* im still lightyears behind strype in talent with drawing or digital finishing..... pretty depressing, but at least its fun to stare at :P.
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    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    i said least fundamentally flawed, lol. the issue there is tieing in distribution of wealth, which is a VERY complex and difficult problem that nobody has a truly accurate answer on in a country as large as mine. you see, some people think of problems as a negitive thing, i think of them as...
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    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    ok i FINALLY have the time to talk about this.... jeeze its been a busy week.... my crappy right leg (knee and hip) is all jacked up from all the work i've been doing.... sooooo anyway, lets get back to the arguement, i hope nobody has been getting truely upset. if you are just stop and dont...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    often people really dont understand how truely much the world has changed since then.... your destitute even though you work yourself bloody every day. when you go to the store to buy food you have to put all the money you would need in a shopping cart because you couldn't possibly carry it...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    you take care of your own first. that does not mean that you do not try to save civilians in the nation your fighting in but you take care of your own first and foremost. the priority above EVERYTHING including mission sucess is ensuring that the fighting effectiveness of the unit is not...
  9. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    sorry ment to have this in my last post. maybe sometimes people actually need to die. maybe even sometimes they have to die in a very horrific manner, such as those poor japanese souls that weren't lucky enough to be killed by the atomic bomb or the acid rain, but rather happened on a patch...
  10. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    i didnt comment on germany because with germany in particular its pretty hard to tack down a good average price for gas. lol, when researching the subject i found several webpages that dont even bother doing any such thing and try to tack gas prices by region and even then they had disclaimers...
  11. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    honestly, at least the "bankrupting of the middle class" through the hospital system we have is WAY overplayed in my experience. your an irresponsible MORON if you earn enough money to be considered middle class. people talk about problems in the us like the fact that there are many people...
  12. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    reminds me of the stupid statement i've heard that was along the lines of "instead of giving the corporations the money in the 700 billion bailout give the average taxpayer a equal portion of the money". never mind that such an action would cause MASSIVE inflation that pretty much means that the...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    well, there are a LOT of marines that had a great deal of fun in iraq. i know one who even decided to reinlist durring the height of the faluniah fighting. age may be a factor, especially considering that the marine corps has the youngest membership on average.
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    um....... um..... the last strategic bombing campaign we took on was in the vietnam war. that war sprung up the debate on weather the strategic carpet bombing campaigns were really effective or if they just make war more horrific then it had to be. after the debate was done it was decided that...
  15. C

    Daggerfall and Morrowind

    as i said the lack of direction can put people off in the early elder scrolls games. however i felt that it was a good thing. its NOT hard to stick with the main quest. however the game had so much more in it that it was amazing, and that "so much more" wasn't the watered down oblivion crap....
  16. C

    Power Armor helmet idea

    well as i have said there have been primitive systems, including infra red since ww2. not really 80's science.... though 80's science did make it small enough to actually wear a device like that on your face.
  17. C

    Daggerfall and Morrowind

    they are EXCELLENT classics. while there is a lot of dungeon crawling in both the combat isn't very action oriented in the sense that every time you swing that weapon it rolls to see if you hit. i honestly played every single elder scroll game and i have to say save for oblivion they are in...
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    Fallout Online Roleplaying Website

    sure takes you mods a while to decide if my character is fair or not i guess.... its not even like i gave him that much equipment(honestly there is no guidline at all in the book or on the web page that gives a limit to starting lvl 1 gear). lol sorry, just didnt have any other way to whine and...
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    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    mostly the issue is people have the tendency to believe that the person who inherits that money just sits around drinking expensive wine, fucking bitches attracted to money and having donald trump wipe his ass with 100 dollar bills. the real question is what that person does with the money. hell...
  20. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    well.... there IS the fact that i want to found a munitions company sometime in the next 4-8 years(depending on where i go in terms of education in about 3 years). ive already begun drawing up concepts and designing firearms(like i believe my SR blowback firearms will be a major leap in...