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  1. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    there is a reason why i think we should allow this next collapse..... too many things right now are out of order. its normal in nature and thus its normal in a organic natural economy to have a great collapse every now and then. college is too expensive, business is strangled both by a...
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    Fallout Online Roleplaying Website

    lol, i usually prefer gurps games but finding people to play with.... well its been a rare thing as of late..... so ya i signed up for the forums(and while doing it created the character larry "mo bullets" out of reno). just gotta wait for the mods to accept my registration....
  3. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    one thing that few people actually understand in the difference between capitalism and socialism is the distinct issue of who is supposed to help the poor, the homeless and those who are unable to meet their basic needs. a long time ago the richest man in the nation wrote a book called "the...
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    Power Armor helmet idea

    there were primitive infra red sights for weapons all the way back to ww2(i remember seeing a infra red scope on a stg/mp44 for example). considering that they did make laser weapons with tiny power cells i dont see why its too far fetched for them to have a sort of "first generation" night...
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    lol and i thought blackwater would take just about anyone who knew what they were doing, ranging from americans to south americans, british pretty much anyone who would sign up.
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    What are the issues with New Reno?

    fo2's humor and quirks can also be explained logically through the timeline. fo1 takes place durring an era in california that everything is highly unstable and civilization really is just starting to apear. i mean there are only three "civilized" locations counting the brotherhood. everywhere...
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    Vault-Tec experiments dumbest plot line ever

    fo1's main plot was one of the better plot lines ive experienced in any video game. it brought about questions on humanity and if peace was worth any price. or maybe im just the only one who read everything in the game aobut the master and tried to understand the poor hideous thing...
  8. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    well that was rifle range. the marine corps is STUPID in a lot of ways.... during qualification we get up at 4am to draw weapons from the armory(which isnt my armory because the range is on a different part of the base) and when shooting is done for the day everyone is in such a rush to turn the...
  9. C

    This cat has been cloned to GLOW IN THE DARK

    they already did it with pigs to assist medical research in some form. i forgot why the pig glowing helps them out but it does....
  10. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    hrmm.... things are going better now that i managed to get all the miss communications sorted out..... so does a fnc come with an automatic bolt lock? my knowledge of that is limited to pictures and technical descriptions of its innards, lol. never shot or even handled the thing. well...
  11. C

    Give us money or we will nuke the american economy!

    cheep isnt the best. whom do you think funds the british pharmaceutical companies and medical development? it certainly isnt britian(especially considering that they are having issues with funding in recent years), its the us. they may actually develop the newest and latest drugs and treatments...
  12. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    hrmm.... question bho? anyway a lot of my problems recently seem to be that people aren't quite receiving the whole thought i have in my head or something and misunderstand. when the last round in a magazine is fired the bolt locks in the open position, just like the slide on almost all...
  13. C

    Most Overrated Games of This Gen?

    huh... i allways thought it pumped nanobots into you like a primitive deus ex sort of thing. even then a normal human's body probably couldnt keep up with the "knawing" of nanobots for long.... the bodies of the cyborgs in deus ex 1 and 2 weren't even much like normal human flesh anymore.
  14. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    8-10 year olds kill people with ak47 and uzi all the time in africa. it isnt too much to expect that the kid wouldnt shoot himself in the head with an uzi.... really not something even the instructor could have seen coming.
  15. C

    The Perfect Fallout...

    its like a strategy game. no its not "realistic" but its incredibly addictive and thought provoking. for example action points are a resource you get every turn, i usually spend a lot of thought in how to use every last one of them to their fullest. even 1 single measly free ap can mean the...
  16. C

    [Poll] KB&M or Controller?

    the joystick is pathetic for a first person game.... now i know that fo3 doesnt require the rapid pace of say quake but its still fundamnetally a shooter. i dont know about you, but i like my ability to sight in on someone's head in about a quarter second, im not giving that up for some crappy...
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    piracy works in somolia because its a highly unstable area with plenty of places for pirates to hide and ports that will have them. pirates in the caribean died out to a very large degree because the stability of the region and the fact that only a few ports would have them and those places were...
  18. C

    Fallout Wallpaper

    i loved the tactics artwork. it made everything feel so damned badass. it still was destinctly fallout but because it was a game entirely focused on combat(well 90%) they really revamped the look and "feel" of a lot of things. btw isnt that a pic of chernobyl in the background? or is it just...
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    200 year old wood houses

    the sad thing is that when i read about fo3 on the bethesda webpage(namely the bits about the brotherhood of steel) i was hoping for a whole new campaign against the super muties, which honestly could get interesting. imagine a place like the commonwealth using the muties to clear the dc area...
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    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    saw really aren't that good for the situation. m4 are very good qcb weapons, the lower rate of fire brought on by using it entirely in semi automatic means less rounds wasted and the fact that the m16 serries is INCREDIBLY quick to reload as compared to kalishkinovs, g36, and a lot of other...