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  1. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Could you give me a link there? Nvm, found it. Side note: there is really ALOT of other reports for the brotherhood crack assault team blocking the elevators. Hate to be this guy, but you really should look it over. It just cost me another no-reload run failure. (had to kill them to progress...
  2. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    There is something that really peeves me. I like doing no-death/ no-reload runs on games and fallout is no different. However having to start over because of bugs is the most irritating of all. In junktown there is this thing where if you talk to any of the skull gang members or they talk to...
  3. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Why is it impossible to recrut Ian if you fail the speech check? If you dont convince him to come with you for "piece of the action' he wont ever accept joining you afterward
  4. P

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    This. Also, it interferes with rapid manual combat entering and looks weird for female chars. It was neat to see once , kudos for the awesome coding that made this possible, but i wouldnt want it in my games. On a side note - i decided to roll fallout 2 game once again after about - what - 2...
  5. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Playing with the new script and im up to the khans with no false"aim blocked" messages. Will edit as i go further EDIT: so Im coming close to the mid game now and so far it seems to work. I did get a few instances where my aim block was spotty, but i could always fire after moving onto a hex...
  6. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Yes. Once i get a shady "aim is blocked message" that enemy becomes immune to targeting until it moves. As I said, i've had instances where i move right next to it, and it still says i cant get a lock-on. Never used any flares though. Dont know how that would factor in Well, sure, I need...
  7. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Тhere is one particular bug which vexes the hell out of me and ruined my no-reload attempt. The constant "aim is blocked" bug, even though i have a clear shot and it even happens when im right next to my enemy. Im My "no reload" run, I managed to get to the final floor of the military...
  8. P

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I was just going to post the bugs in 6.3 and i see there is a 6.4 now. After installing 6.3 patch on top of 6.1, the water guard completely disappears from the 3rd level of the vault, the gun runners wont acknowledge you stopped the deathclaws if you killed the mother before talking to them...
  9. P

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I need to ask - whats with the insane damage mechanics in this mod? The damage is completely randomized. Same enemy has shot me for 8 and then 25 with the same weapon and the turrets at SAD either hit me for no damage or for about 140 through 80 DR. Just now my character, wearing Adv.p...
  10. P

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    After arriving in bunker 21, my car disspears when i leave. I can drive the car out of bunker 21 but it dissapears as soon as i stop at a locaton. I went to broken hills, still got the scene with Lumpy, but no car. Also, is there a way i can disable the alert in navarro? I killed 3 enclave...
  11. P

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Bos Bunker elevator just teleports me on the world map. Any of the 4 floors just puts me on world map. Any ideas?
  12. P

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Ok, another weird thing. At Navarro, just west of the greeter i see 3 enclave soldiers which tell me "You are finally back - you did well out there". In addition the enclave patrols in the area tell me that they are aware of some mission im supposed to be on.
  13. P

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Is there a difference or any incompatibility issues with using either or both hi-res and megamod's dx9's? And can megamod run safely if i dont any and all dx9?
  14. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    i already deleted the weather mod after it consistently bugged my armor and perception. Is anyone actually using it? And I have no f2_res.ini file, because im not using the hi-res patch. Hindsight, logic dictates thats been asked ALOT, but is there a project in the works which allows you to...
  15. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    I dont get any options other than the default ones. I have the SFALL screen, but nothing new in "Options"
  16. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    "Disable DX-9 mod in SFALL in SCRN in OPTIONS" Disable what in where?
  17. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    Is it me or the books have been erased in 2.42 version? Slik doesnt have his outdoorsman manual, the small guns in klamath that has always been there is gone and san Fransisco has no skill books as well.
  18. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    NPC loot bodies as well, so thats not a good reason to clutter the map with random items like that. And i dont like it that NPC start looting your kills. And i keep permanently losing perception for some reason OK. Is there some place i can download a previous STABLE version of this? I just...
  19. P

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    So when i alt-tab and click to return to the game, I get this error. Uploaded with Any way around that? Also. whats the idea behind enemies dropping their weapons/stuff when killed? That just makes more items to pick of the ground. The body is much more convenient. Can...