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  1. Izual

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    They wouldn't express their opinion. Keywords systems are quite shitty if you're looking for living a roleplay experience. What I mean is, in Fallout 1/2 for example, a dialog is complex because you have to chose between different complex sentences/approach or you are delighted by choosing a...
  2. Izual

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    Abolutely blasting. This looks like Fallout 3 how it should have been. Translating my own opinion posted on some french website: "I particularly like the start of the video with the artworks of factions and their background. The customisable UI is truly amazing, I was hoping for much less...
  3. Izual

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Question for all of you gun owners. Living in a country that forbids the possession of firearms, I'm quite amazed by that thread - though I don't know if it's in a positive way or not. Anyway I'm very curious about that, and I wanted to know how you all keep your weapons? I mean, do you...
  4. Izual

    Master or Enclave, Which is the better Protagonist/Villain

    I can agree on that (also, apologies for the typos in my previous posts) ; however the problem is in my opinion that the Legion should be complex, but is not at all. The same could be said about the Enclave in Fallout 2, but the Legion is even worse. I think it's fair to say they are villains...
  5. Izual

    Master or Enclave, Which is the better Protagonist/Villain

    They aren't outwardly nice? Yeah, you mean by that that they crucify whole towns and compared to them the Enclave looks like carebears? The problem with the Legion is there is nothing to save them. No subtlety to tell the play "Hey, don't judge them too fast! They might be good guys after...
  6. Izual

    Main Weapon Skills?

    I think I tried a throwing guy once, but it didn't work out. Can't remember why. Hum, gotta try again.
  7. Izual

    Fallout: Tactics Redux Mod released

    I am playing the game with a simple challenge, having only one character for each mission. And it's quite fun, maybe I'll write a topic on that experiment in the Tactics subforum? Anyway, I encountered a few bugs so far, I don't know if they're due to Redux mod or not : - Whenever you drive...
  8. Izual

    Obsidian v Bethesda. Bugs!

    Best joke of the day :D
  9. Izual

    Copyright and Trademark tags - Interplay or Bethesda?

    I think it' copyright Interplay, but you have to write another line like "Fallout is a property of Zenimax Media, inc."
  10. Izual

    How Long Has It Been Since You Last Played...

    Fallout: Tactics is a spin-off. It is a different kind of game than the main games. That is, it's closer to a T-RPG than a CRPG. There is absolutely no problem with that; Tactics was never meant to be a CRPG. The only things you can blame the game for are how he is bad as a T-RPG, and...
  11. Izual

    What did you do first?

    Oh wow, calm down on the new threads man :p Why is that interesting to know? I think I always kill the Master first anyway, because I often forget about Mariposa.
  12. Izual

    Bethesda registers Fallout trademark for a TV series

    How "far" are you, 2006? :p
  13. Izual

    Who could possibly know about Enclave?

    bug, delete plox
  14. Izual

    Who could possibly know about Enclave?

    Great, I think we nailed it now :) Especially with that wiki page. Thanks again for your answers guys, your help... Really helped :D
  15. Izual

    Master or Enclave, Which is the better Protagonist/Villain

    Exactly. Also, you are asking the wrong question: it's either Enclave or the Unity, or The Master or Frank Horrigan. In both cases, Fallout 1's antagonists win easily. The Enclave, as Languorous_Maiar stated, is way too "evil", and the normal player shouldn't ever want to join them (and even...
  16. Izual

    Bethesda registers Fallout trademark for a TV series

    I hope Tim Cain and Fargo don't commit suicide just yet. But, to be honest, if you guys liked Nuka Break then I don't really see why you are not happy with that piece of news.
  17. Izual

    Who could possibly know about Enclave?

    Yeap, I mentioned that bastard in my first post :p
  18. Izual

    Who could possibly know about Enclave?

    Thanks for your answers, I had forgotten about the tanker vagrants, the Wrights and Dr Henry, indeed. Thanks again for your help :) @SnapSlav I don't consider FNV as canon, but it is quite obvious someone at least near Klamath saw the crash, yes. I don't remember Torr sayins something about...
  19. Izual

    Master or Enclave, Which is the better Protagonist/Villain

    Good job, friend. The trap is set. Now we just have to wait for the few mad men that reply "The Enclave > The Master" and we can smash them to smithereens.
  20. Izual

    Who could possibly know about Enclave?

    Hello there, I'm working on a small project about Enclave, and although I can't tell you more about it, I need the help of fellow Fallout 2 enthusiasts. By 2198 approximately, the Enclave stats its activities in California from their oil rig headquarters. In 2241, Fallout 2 begins, and...