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  1. Izual

    Kotaku returns to Fallout: New Vegas

    Not really cool to review an exploit, like it tells everything about the game - Fallout 1&2 had heavy exploits too, yet no one puts them in a review to show how the game sucks. On the other hands, totally agreeing with the VATS first part. But I don't think VATS makes battles any better.
  2. Izual

    Fallout tidbits roundup

    Honestly, the screenshot in my post looks just like I imagined the interior of these houses to be like, mostly due to Arades's talking head background.
  3. Izual

    Fallout tidbits roundup

    It's good. Really good. I mean this looks more like Fallout than any FNV screen will ever look.
  4. Izual

    Brian Fargo on combat, perma-death in Wasteland 2

    Sounds very cool. The more the game gets developed, the more I'm happy to support it.
  5. Izual

    Chris Avellone New Vegas DLC GDCO talk

    Quite uninspiring, I have to say.
  6. Izual

    Happy 15th birthday, Fallout!

    Nice thought? It's like the darkest thing I've read this week.
  7. Izual

    Happy 15th birthday, Fallout!

    No anniversary banner? Considering how these last 5 years have hurt Fallout, I can understand that. :| Still, happy birthday Fallout - 15 years with Dogmeat, Ian, Lou and the others!
  8. Izual

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    Yeah, maybe it's silly; was just explaining my point of view though.
  9. Izual

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    What I mean is you can personnaly decide to consider things canon or not, the same way some consider the Bible as true facts and some don't, yet both types of people happen to read the book. I don't consider Fallout 3/NV/4 as canon, but I'll play them anyway. In my head though, when playing...
  10. Izual

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    You are free to decide if you consider things canon or not. Or you are free to let a company decide for you because they paid money for this right.
  11. Izual

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    Fallout 3 & Point Lookout is not canon. Though I doubt that's Bethesda's point of view...
  12. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    Herm, so "we won't find enough RPGs, so let's say Diablo and Fallout Tactics are RPG too"? I can see now how IGN made such a list... :p
  13. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    To me, a RPG is where you can follow your own path, through choices. Choices are often made with dialogues. There are no choices in Diablo. Except char builds. But then this is quite a sad definition of RPG.
  14. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    So is Fallout Tactics; should we put it in the list?
  15. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    I don't know Demon's Soul, however I know Diablo quite well. And so far I can tell if Fallout is an RPG then Diablo is not an RPG, that's all. I'm not here to stamp "Denied", just to state my opinion. And my opinion is, obviously, Diablo is not an RPG. :p
  16. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    But that's not a good reason, dude. I love GTA, yet I wouldn't put it in that list. Calling Diablo a RPG is just a consequence of recent marketing campaign from the big companies to reduce the meaning of this word to make it apply to basically every game, so that you can rite "RPG" on every...
  17. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    Yeah right. :rolleyes:
  18. Izual

    Subm.: Diablo II

    How is Diablo a role-playing game? It doesn't even have dialogs.
  19. Izual

    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    IGN's list is ok but I didn't see Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel in it, probably a mistake? P.S. I'm opening a new tab to read about that list on RPG Codex, and I'm already giggling :D
  20. Izual

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 1 (of 2) – How the West Was Fun

    Oh man, a post-apo Louisiana. That would rock :)